William Barr has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate four times, has served two U.S. presidents, and has proven himself to be a consummate professional who deeply respects the great responsibilities and boundaries of the office of the attorney general.

The Senate is where the issues are, and most people there are career politicians.

As a former entrepreneur I know you have to listen to the customer to solve problems, and I'm looking forward to meeting with Hoosiers across the state about solutions that will put Indiana and our country first.

In my own business, I took on the insurance companies and built my own self-insured plan for my employees that was cost effective and included no caps on coverage, coverage for pre-existing conditions, and allowed kids to stay on their parents' plan until they turned 26.

Shortly after assuming his duties at the White House, Trump hit a home-run by selecting conservative Neil Gorsuch to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

Iran has been one of America's greatest enemies and I'm proud that President Trump is protecting our country and our allies.

The American Legion has been a cornerstone of American life from the local to the federal level since the beginning, and serves as a constant reminder of the enormous contributions America's armed service members have made to enrich our nation during and after their military service.

As a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee it has been important to me to intersect with Hoosier farmers as often as possible.

I'm offering solutions to address rising healthcare prices by adding transparency to our drug pricing, clearing the backlog on pending drug applications at the FDA, and providing oversight and accountability within the healthcare industry.

For many workers, Buy America policies can mean the difference between going to work on Monday morning and facing a furlough because of a furnace closure.

One dirty tactic big pharmaceutical companies use is keeping drug prices artificially high through anti-competitive conduct, such as paying competitors millions of dollars to stop them from creating generic drugs.

Hoosiers have seen good paying jobs leave our state for decades because of NAFTA and other bad trade deals from Washington. President Trump is using tariffs as a negotiating tool to fix these problems that have been baked into the international economy for decades.

Armed with pricing information, health care consumers can punish providers that price gouge, waste resources, or engage in surprise billing by taking their business elsewhere.

As a Main Street entrepreneur, I believe in free trade.

U.S. infrastructure projects ought to support workers and create jobs in South Bend and Gary, not in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

Safeguarding life at every stage is a solemn responsibility that Hoosiers have entrusted me to uphold, which is why I will be voting in support of Sen. Sasse's Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

By June 2016, candidate Donald Trump had already outlined his seven-point plan on trade, and once in the White House, he kept his word.

I'm a lifelong strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and I've owned and used firearms since I was 10 years old.

The only people really enthusiastic about healthcare are Democrats.

Safeguarding life at every stage is a solemn responsibility, one that Hoosiers have entrusted me to uphold.

One issue that affects every American is health care.

As a Main Street businessman, I believe we need to reduce runaway federal spending and address our national debt and the MAP Act provides Congress with the tools to accomplish this goal.

Most drugs sold in the U.S. are produced outside of the country, and if we can ensure supply-chain safety for these drugs, introducing more of them to the market quicker could mean major differences in the price of drugs, quality of life for patients, and for some Americans the difference between life and death.

While Democrats, including Barack Obama, mocked the notion that Russia is the greatest threat to our country, nobody has been tougher on Russia and Vladimir Putin than President Donald Trump.