While I support granting drug companies patents to recover their investment and encourage innovation, companies that take advantage of this goodwill to build a monopoly must be stopped.

In the private sector we budget for rainy days or offset unexpected expenditures with spending cuts and the same principles should apply to Congress.

Without any direction from Congress, our judicial branch has unilaterally created and defined qualified immunity.

We live in the greatest country in the world, but the tone and destructive rhetoric across the ideological spectrum is tearing our country apart and we must return to a society that works towards finding common ground on issues where we disagree.

Let's get this straight now: a Senate impeachment trial is not a court of law. It's a court of politics.

Hoosiers sent me to Washington to help President Trump drain the swamp, and it starts with cutting out generous taxpayer-funded perks that keep career politicians in D.C.

To claim qualified immunity under the Reforming Qualified Immunity Act, a government employee such as a police officer would have to prove that there was a statute or court case in the relevant jurisdiction showing his or her conduct was authorized: a meaningful change that will help law enforcement and the citizens they protect.

Trump stood up to the failed Biden trade doctrine that filled our shelves with Chinese goods and loaded our ships with American jobs headed overseas.

Some big pharmaceutical companies have engaged in dirty tricks to extend their patents, holding monopolies on certain drugs to pad their profits at consumers' expense.

As a former entrepreneur who left Main Street to help President Trump drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, I'm proud to spearhead the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 which will reduce billions of dollars of improper payments from the federal government.

Hoosiers deserve a straightforward approach about information regarding blocked railroad crossings and I commend the Federal Railroad Administration's willingness to work with all parties involved on this important issue.

Student loan origination fees are nothing more than a hidden tax that burdens students.

Susan Brooks is a hard-working public servant who has spent her career fighting for Hoosiers. In Congress, she was the first woman from Indiana to chair a committee, and has become one of the most effective lawmakers in Washington: her dedicated work on behalf of her constituents and our state will be missed.

The key to survival is that when times are good you don't forget where you came from and you don't build crazy overhead just because you can. You live like you are going out of business every day and it makes you healthy.

For an entrepreneur who has spent his entire career creating jobs, I can assure you that leaving my business to help President Trump confirm conservative judges is well worth my decision to run for office and a great use of the Senate's time, given how dysfunctional Washington can be.

I don't think congressmen and senators ought to be getting pensions when nobody else does.

I've always been a believer that if you're not interested in talking to the media, you shouldn't be running for Senate in the first place, or you're kind of missing out on one of the key components is to get your message out of what you want to do.

I implore my Democratic colleagues to disregard the extreme voices of the abortion industry and radical pro-choice activists in favor of the loud, clear voice of the American people: Late-term abortion is a step too far, and post-birth abortion is horrifying.

As a logistics entrepreneur who has created hundreds of American jobs, I will make sure the National Highway bill improves our infrastructure, while ensuring that products used and jobs created from this legislation are made in the U.S.A.

As a small-business owner who kept costs low and health care premiums flat for 10 years in my company, I know firsthand that transparency is the trick to reducing the skyrocketing health care costs that are burdening patients, employers, and our state, local, and federal governments.

I believe that anybody can cohabitate with whoever they want to, but marriage to me is, you know, between a man and a woman and I'm not going to be afraid to say it.

President George H.W. Bush was a patriot who served our country in World War II, lead the CIA, an Ambassador to the United Nations, was the Vice President and the Commander and Chief who oversaw the end of the Cold War and successfully led our troops through the Gulf War.

Career politicians in D.C. have shirked their responsibility to us for decades. At every turn, they've kicked the can down the road, pushing the burdens of our problems and our debts onto our children and grandchildren.

In the business world, those who are slow to act and adapt find themselves out of business in a hurry. In Washington, it can take 10 years to get even a good idea across the finish line.