I'm incredibly proud to have supported the confirmation of fellow Hoosier Holly A. Brady from Fort Wayne to serve as a United States district judge for the Northern District of Indiana.

I think if we had eight or 12 of us in the Senate who came from my business background, you'd see a lot of different things in government.

Aside from true emergencies, most health care decisions are shoppable.

Indiana will always be open for business, and we look forward to welcoming more great new jobs into our state.

Building my family and my business in Jasper has taught me so much in my life, and one of those lessons is to always put people first.

I'm running because Hoosiers deserve a senator who makes promises here in Indiana and then keeps them in Washington.

I'm running because Hoosiers deserve a senator who sounds the same on the factory floor as he does on the Senate floor.

The most important obligation our government has is to protect American citizens, and for decades career politicians like Joe Donnelly in Washington have neglected their duty by failing to stop illegal immigration and the flow of drugs pouring across our weak border.

Where I stand comes from my upbringing and my faith: I'm 100 percent pro-life and I believe in traditional marriage.

I left my business to run for the Senate because I believe the government needs to run more like a business.

I come from a government in Indiana where we did get things done.

I think that one reasons I like Brett Kavanaugh is he was clearly one that was gonna interpret the Constitution.

For those who are so courageously battling these terrible diseases, the least we can do is not stand in their way.

Clear prices force health care providers and insurers to lower their rates to attract customers - like their counterparts in the rest of the economy.

To drive down high drug costs, we need to shine a light on the negotiations between drug manufacturers, middleman negotiators and pharmacies.

I never voted for a Democrat at the state or national level.

President Trump has kept his promise to nominate great conservative judges and I'm proud to support Damon Leichty for the Northern District of Indiana.

President Trump continued his strong commitment to nominating conservative judges to the bench who respect the rule of law with his selection of Holly Brady for the U.S. District Court for Northern Indiana.

As someone who's built business, I take tariffs and their effects very seriously and would only employ such negotiation tools when absolutely necessary.

As co-founder of the Senate Climate Solutions Caucus, I know we need to promote vehicles that reduce our carbon footprint, but it doesn't need to be in the form of tax breaks for the wealthy and their luxury vehicles.

All Hoosiers, all Americans, myself included, should never go broke in this country because you get sick or have a bad accident.

I support anybody that does have a grievance to be able to air it, and that's it.

By incorporating disaster spending into the annual budget we can help Americans with disaster assistance without the process becoming a pathway for runaway spending on unrelated projects.

If Congress can't get a budget passed when they're supposed to, it's just common sense they shouldn't get paid.