I mean, the whole enterprise, all of Obamacare is immoral.

All of Obamacare has resulted in human suffering.

I called Rory McIlroy a leprechaun and believe me I wanted to call him much worse.

That's not the way the government works. You can't just take $1 billion from this program, $1 billion from over here, and then put it toward your pet project.

She is like a monkey virus and will infect you and bleed you dry after you've given her too much personal information, and no reaction, word or deed from Courtney Love should surprise anyone.

Conservatives who decried Trump's rise (and those who scoffed at his chances of winning a single primary were legion) are the same 'purist' boxing snobs who could never grasp the popularity - and populist legitimacy - of wrestling.

I celebrate political protest, it is necessary and protected for a reason, but make it good people!

My mom was very disappointed when I came out as a Republican in high school. And being a Republican in high school was really fun because all of my teachers were extremely liberal. Expressing anything that was counter to their deeply held beliefs was so easily unsettling that that form of contrarianism was very comfortable.

I was born in Indiana and raised in Oregon and there's a strong sense of individualism, particularly in Oregon. And my mom is an artist, so there was always a lot of emphasis placed on expression.

There is no more divisive character in modern politics than Steve Bannon, as he symbolizes the devil incarnate for the heaving, emotional left.

It's really rare that you get to work with people who are passionate about what they do and show up every day and really put themselves into something.

James Comey is a corrupt, narcissistic weirdo.

In politics there is plenty of division, hostility, tribalism, posturing; but there's almost no curiosity. Instead of wondering why someone holds a certain set of beliefs and asking how they came to them, it is easier to gather a mob and silence opposing viewpoints by force.

Caving into blather and peer pressure never bolstered anyone's argument.

I loved my time at MTV because the music was critical; the music was our thrust. That's what the channel was all about. And I loved that, because we were pushing the limits with how we were covering and interviewing and consuming music and bands.

Social conservatism was really bringing me down. And I realized, as time went on, that I wasn't a Bush conservative. I was really a libertarian.

It is never ok for politicians to abuse their power for self enrichment, and even for has-beens and also-rans there has to be some brand of justice so present and future presidents don't get lured into taking crafty, well disguised bribes pretending it's 'charity.'

Parents, teachers, professors, economists, pundits, entrepreneurs, tinkerers and misfits all have to do a better job of unapologetically singing the praises of capitalism and free markets which unequivocally demonstrate the ability to pull people out of poverty and improve and lengthen their lives.

Pulling punches because someone happens to be a woman is disgusting.

Madonna taught me more philosophy than Ayn Rand.

If you thought car maintenance was covered by Uncle Sam and you never saw a bill, what would keep your from getting new brakes every few months?

I have never kissed a woman, but Madonna in all her glory with coney bras and burgundy black 'Vogue' lips makes me rethink my heterosexuality.

Both my parents were Democrats. My dad was definitely more of a fiscally conservative traditional Democrat. My mom was more of a feminist Camelot Democrat. They definitely had an idealistic view of life as it should be in the United States. And they had a sense that government had to have some hand in making people's lives better.

I definitely think my ancestry has something to do with my politics. And I think being deeply suspicious of government and communists is implicit in a lot of first-generation immigrants, particularly from Eastern Europe. My mom came over from Romania when she was a kid and they fled the commies who took their family hemp farm.