When you're trying to inspire individuals across the country, you have to have a reflection that people can see themselves in.

Wearing hijab made you know that I was Muslim.

I have no problem with people challenging my views and my positions. I want to be clear that I'm not asking anybody to stop challenging me. But I will not accept being called an anti-Semite.

There's a conflation between the critique of the state of Israel and their policies with anti-Semitism, which I think is really flawed and inaccurate.

My American side makes me fearless.

Americans - in general, we are very steadfast people: we know what we want; we get what we want.

It makes me sad that our kids are growing up in a country where they are American but, in a sense, have to prove it. They can't just be who they are like everyone else. Who they are is something suspicious, something scary, something misunderstood.

We have our own agency; we should be judged by our own work.

I have my own support network of other organizers, activists, and attorneys.

I was on the steering committee of the New York City Coalition on Muslim School Holidays.

I am the most optimistic organizer in this country.

I was the head of fundraising for the Women's March, and I chose not to take money from corporations.

I have been part of fights where we have been told, 'You will not win,' and we have won.

People have been skeptical of the Women's March on Washington. Our legitimacy only came from us proving to the rest of the world that we're capable.

One of the areas that many of us, including the Women's March organizers, are focusing on is starting mass voter registration and voter engagement.

We would never ask any other faith community to stand up and condemn acts of violence committed by people within their groups. The fact that this is only directed at the Muslim community is something that I personally can't accept.

I believe in the liberation of the Palestinian people.

This idea of me being anti-Semitic is the most ludicrous of them all.

Donald Trump has no idea what a deal is. I mean, he's a man who has filed for bankruptcy many times, so he doesn't understand how to make any deals.

As an activist, organizer, Palestinian, and a Muslim-American woman, I have faced many obstacles in the industry I work in. I often have to fight for my seat and representation for the communities I represent.

I have a very resilient Brooklyn personality that allows me to stay thick-skinned and focused on my mission and goals.

Women need to find the courage to demand what they rightfully deserve. Women should be paid for the same work as their male counterparts, ask for promotions, and stand in their power in their place of employment, whether they are in a boardroom or in the movement.

Sometimes, it seems like the whole world has already set my life out for me.

Sharia is, for me, a personal basic set of guidelines that Muslims follow. It's about being respectful to elders. It's about praying five times a day. It's about etiquette that I have with members of my family. It's about inheritance, and it's about how we get married. Just the kind of basic things that anyone engages in in life.