All fraudulent elections should be condemned, including those in Turkey and Russia. And we need to be doubly mindful not to indulge amateur socialists in this country, because even though a Bernie Sanders presidency is a joke, the consequences of diet communism are deadly serious.

I have no problem with military and entitlement reform, lower costs raise freedom.

With debt free college there is absolutely no incentive to rein in administrative costs when the government is foolishly pushing everyone to get a degree, regardless of need or desire, which only perpetuates the silly cycle for another generation.

We all know what happens with socialized medicine: rationing and stagnant care.

Sleep and hydration are the very best things you can do for your skin. You want to drink water and green tea throughout the day and get as much sleep as you possible can.

I really like Savannah Guthrie. I think that she is a very likable person.

When the tax law changes and people are allowed to choose where their hard earned money goes, then do-gooders can opt to have their money go wherever they see fit. I would rather keep mine and invest and donate with greater efficiency.

What's great about MTV is that it belongs to whatever generation is the steward at the time.

I think that most people are natural libertarians.

So I think we need to set up an 'American Ninja Warrior' obstacle course at the border and whoever can make it - you can't fake it - they get through.

It's hard to pin Beto down on what he really stands for. Between the clumsy apologies and vacant platitudes, he doesn't seem to have a set of philosophical priorities other than using his goofy ears to do a lot of listening so he doesn't have to make any truly bold policy declarations.

When I was at Lakeridge High School, in my junior and senior years, my choir and theater department raised money so we could go to New York and see Broadway shows. It really changed my life.

I loved 'Breaking Bonaduce.' I was amazed it made it on TV. It was so raw, so disturbing.

If people want to watch music videos you can go to Youtube. But it would be great if there was still music on TV that people could check out and be visually excited by an artist.

We don't need any more regulation from government. You don't need overarching moralism to tell you how to live because human beings actually have a pretty well-developed moral center. The more government intrudes on the basic decisions you make, the further away you get from your natural morality.

Going on 'Howard Stern' was embarrassing.

Abortion, to me, is an issue of personal responsibility.

We at the Women's March tried intersectionality, and we were the group that said we're going to do it right, and we're going to defy our women-of-color elders who told us, 'We did this with the white woman before, and it doesn't work.'

None of us live single-issue lives... That is why intersectionality is a strength, not a weakness.

It is powerful to know what it feels like to be in community with people who will show up and fight for each other.

Intersectional organizing is the new agenda. And if we're gonna lose, we're gonna lose together. If we win, we're gonna win together.

I'm not just a token Muslim.

Do you care about climate justice? Are you about women's rights and women's reproductive rights? Do you care about civil liberties and the Voting Rights Act? There are so many opportunities for people to go back and be inspired and plug into their own community.

If you have a march that's entirely white women or a march that maybe is entirely black women, it's going inspire those who look like them, which is fine. Our idea is that we want to inspire as diverse of a group of people as possible.