My Pandora station is Boyz II Men.

BDS has been used as a tactic to raise awareness for Palestinian people, including women and their children.

There is no country in this world that is immune to violating human rights.

We, as Palestinian-Americans... will not change who we are to make anyone comfortable.

I think Bernie Sanders is a realist.

One of the things that makes me horrified about a Trump administration is the continued use of code words like 'law and order.'

We are taught to attack the forces of evil and not those doing evil. That is what we are trained in.

We are rooted in Kingian nonviolence.

I get to say I was alive when the first Palestinian woman went to Congress. I was alive when the first Somali woman, in a hijab, who's black and Muslim - she's literally an immigrant, a refugee, black and Muslim and a woman and progressive.

Can we be against anti-Semitism and understand that it's at the root of white supremacy? So you can't tell me to combat anti-Semitism if you're not ready to join me and tell me, 'Let's end white nationalism and white supremacy,' which is really the real threat on all Americans.

We will continue to organize. You have seen consistent organizing since the Women's March on Washington in every corner of this country.

Since when can somebody tell me a time or a case where there has been a Syrian refugee in this country who has committed an act of terror?

People see whatever the media first reports.

Rudy Giuliani is a known racist Islamophobe.

I'm impacted by my women's reproductive rights.

My family is originally from Palestine, who came here to the United States, you know, from an occupied land to find a better life and find security and safety.

I'm the national co-chair for the Women's March on Washington.

The progressive Left is sometimes very uncomfortable for staunch pro-Israel supporters, but what's very clear to me is that the progressive Left does not make Jews feel unsafe.

The Palestinian people were governing themselves before the creation of the State of Israel.

When I stand up here, and I'm fighting for your rights and the rights of all people in these United States of America, I am a true patriot.

It's not enough just to elect people of color and women of color and progressives. We need to make sure that they have a work plan and that they are - continue to align with the communities that helped get them to where they're at.

I believe that this is the land of religious freedom and that that applies to Muslims. And if I have to make it apply to Muslims with the work that I do, I'm going to do that.

I haven't given up on my country. I believe in the potential. I believe in the Constitution.

Being a Muslim American activist, I've been targeted by the right wing in a way that is very dangerous.