"Don't sell yourself short because without that you can't go far in life because after sports the only thing you know is sports and you can't do anything else with that."

"So you have to be more mentally focused in baseball."

"Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there."

"I was a pitcher, shortstop and outfielder, and the Yankees tried to sign me out of high school as a first-round draft pick in 1981. I turned them down to go to college."

"I have no problem with my hips - I can still do the things that I used to do. I can run, I'm just not the fastest person on the field anymore."

"If you have four years to complete your college education, do it."

"Ask anyone who's successful how they got there, you're going to hear a different story."

"When things are a disappointment, try not to be so discouraged."

"When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go."

"Only I can change my life. No one can do "it "for me."

"Any decision I make is the biggest decision of my life."

"People look at me like I'm on my way out of the game. I'm just getting started."

"Man, I'm not trying to be important; I just go out and play."

"It's easier for me to let the game just come to me."

"Every Morning You Have Two Choices: Continue To Sleep With Your Dreams, Or Wake Up and Chase Them."

"Allen Iverson is a ball hog. You will never win a championship with him on your team."

"We all need that sometimes, to get re-sparked again. Sometimes it's different influences and different motivations; sometimes we've got to go and get back to the basics."

"Man, I'm not trying to be important; I just go out and play."

"No one is perfect. I know there is stuff that I need to work on, and not just one thing, but my game overall. Everything can get better."

"I say 'come with it.' I'm not expecting anything easy. You have to earn your place. That's fine with me."

"I'm not at the point in my career where I want to rebuild."

"I got a picture [tattoo] of Mohammed Ali on my side with one of his quotes. That's my guy. I look up to him. I'm like his number one fan."