It's so easy for us to misperceive and see the things in others that we want to see. And, when we're wrong, and often we're dead wrong, we miss the truth.

I'm used to people thinking I'm nuts. And you know what? I kind of love it.

Sometimes the person who is the most logical is the person whom we call insane.

People have different reasons for the way they live their lives. You cannot put everyone's reasons in the same box.

I might have lived in England for the last several years, but I'm still an American citizen and I have not given up my right to privacy.

You have to always be ready, always be alive, and always be willing to move in a new direction.

My life will change, because I want it to change; and also because this is something I'm committed to doing and that I believe my life has been leading towards.

I don't live a lie. You have to understand that people who choose not to discuss their personal lives are not living a lie. That is a presumption that people jump to.

No one's personal life is in the public interest. It's gossip, bottom line. End of story.

Life's all about perceptions.

I accept the fact that some things don't go the way you hope.

Where the gaming world is going - and certainly Activision proved it by hiring me - is being willing to push and bend and move in a new direction of actually capturing the character and storytelling.

I have always believed that the risk takers are eventually rewarded.

Fundamentally, I like to accomplish things.

While the sciences are hugely important, let us not leave behind a child's imagination.

If there is one thing I object to, it's actors talking about how tough their jobs are.

Why is 'Game of Thrones' the most pirated show in the history of TV? Because people can't get it fast enough, that's why.

I am different than some people would like me to be. I just don't buy into that the personal can be political.

It's the details and the human element that makes 'Recount' entertaining. Even though we know how the election ends, it plays like a thriller. It's also funny.

I'm aware that, from the outside, this looks like I've got quite an ego.

I find it sad that by not talking about who I sleep with, that makes me mysterious. There was a time when I would have been called a gentleman.

At the end of the day, people have to respect people's differences. I am different than some people would like me to be.

If you haven't turned rebel by twenty you've got no heart; if you haven't turned establishment by thirty you've got no brains!

Success is like death. The more successful you become, the higher the houses in the hills get and the higher the fences get.