I think that there was a period of time - and I would reckon it was about 12 years - where I was just determined to see if I could build a career for myself.

Clarence Darrow was a unique and courageous man. Several of my favourite actors have played Darrow... Henry Fonda, Orson Welles and Spencer Tracy.

There are good people in the lobbying industry. Lobbyists can serve a very useful purpose.

I'm able to hang up the character with the costume at the end of the movie.

The only real experiences I've had with therapists were the ones who were working with me and my family when my mother was ill.

I always thought that, in a way, you want your Superman to be a total unknown.

Whether that's positive or not, people are talking about the Old Vic Theater again with passion and commitment and controversy and debate.

People don't tend to hassle me because when I've got a hat on, I look like a banker. I'm just a plain guy.

Exposure to the arts and culture is enormously valuable.

If you look back through history in the United States, there have been very few landslide elections. Half the country always voted for someone else.

Audiences grew to like this duality of feeling, where you're both championing a character and you're revolted by them.

The more shows that are produced, the more writers are hired, producers are hired, actors are hired, directors are hired, it means the more people will get employed. It's better for the economy. It's a fantastic thing.

I am now a commander of the British Empire.

There are a lot of people out there who offer roles to actors because they'll elevate their movie to a place the movie would never reach.

I was not a studious kid, and I struggled to find things that would command my attention and engage my ideas and energies.

I like being able to go to a local pub and have great food and particularly love pubs that welcome my dogs.

A British director directed 'American Beauty,' an important film about American life, and it didn't matter. What only mattered was everyone's sensibility.

And I certainly won't lay out areas of my life that I think are just private.

I've always found it strange that a director can hire any designer he wants from any country. But if he hires a foreign actor, it's like he's stolen the crown jewels and run across the river with them.

I actually have a number of lovely watches from the International Watch Company.

What I like about Britain is that I can live a normal life here.

I love doing impressions.

But I feel that I have a responsibility to help the film and I have relations with the studio and with those who put up the money so that I can tell a story that I believe in.

It's not easy to sustain a long career, and sometimes I don't even think about how long I've been doing it.