Kids aren't growing up with a sense of television as the aspirational place for their ideas.

If someone can watch an entire season of a TV series in one day, doesn't that show an incredible attention span?

Working in film tends to isolate actors - it's your close-up; it's all about you.

When I look around at Broadway and the West End, theatre is becoming an exclusive club.

If we don't reach out to make theatre affordable to the young generation, we will lose them all.

Cable TV has become where the best actors, writers and directors have gone to work because they are allowed to do character-driven stories.

Partisan rancour and party politics and ideology have got in the way of compromise - and compromise is the only thing that has ever made politics successful.

What I've certainly learned is that whenever I've said anything about real politics, I've come under attack. So it's best simply to play politics on television.

One can never take the cynicism one comes across in life too seriously.

If you're not concerned about maintaining an image, you can pursue roads that another actor might not take.

The audience wants control. They want freedom.

For years, particularly with the advent of the Internet, people have been griping about lessening attention spans.

When the story is good enough, people can watch something three times the length of an opera.

We're going to see a lot of companies that have been portals of entertainment become producers.

'The 24 Hour Plays' is a quite brilliant, exhilarating event for everyone concerned.

While data can only tell you what has happened in the past, it can in some ways give you a sense of what might be of interest to an audience in the future.

I'm not a writer, and I don't want there to be any mistake about that.

My admiration for 'Mary Tyler Moore' is very, very big because they went out on top.

I think people love it when anybody acts bad; it's not particular to me.

Anytime someone can beat the acting out of someone else, I think it's a wonderful thing.

I don't even think in terms of ambition.

I can imagine there is going to come a time when someone will do 13 hours of a story without breaks.

As a producer or financier, you are going to go where you get the best bang for your buck.

If you wanna compete, you've got to get into the original content game.