If stop-and-frisk was a fair and balanced practice that targeted everybody equally across the board, then I could understand the extra precautions being taken, but since it's a practice that targets blacks and Hispanics and gives the police the right to lawfully profile us, I'm not with it.

If you're family to me, you're gonna always be family to me.

If it's one entity you don't want no drama with in this era, it's black women.

I pride myself on being the nicest person in the room or being the nicest person to people.

My job is to benefit the listeners first and foremost, entertain the listeners first and foremost, and to get ratings. You can't get ratings without listeners. So I wanna do things that the listeners enjoy, even though you may hate me for it or you may love me for that.

Live TV is no joke.

Being morally honest means sitting down and actually listening to a person and understanding where they're coming from.

You have to learn to have discourse with people you don't necessarily agree with.

That's the beauty of America - the fact that all of us can be anything we want to be if we put in the work.

When I saw the rise of the anti-Christ Donald Trump, I was like, 'Hell no.' We can't be in a country where we love celebrities so much that we let the executive producer of 'Celebrity Apprentice' become the GOP nominee.

I like New York, man - I ain't gonna front. The only thing I probably don't like about New York is that, coming from the South, people aren't hospitable. You tell somebody 'Hi,' and they look at you like you're out your freaking mind.

I've been doing radio since I was 18, and I've been unemployed four times from radio for various reasons.

It's a privilege and honor to write and star in my own comic. I can officially cross that off the bucket list!

Anybody who knows me knows I'm a Marvel fanatic. I have Wolverine tatted on my right arm.

I learned that every conversation shouldn't be had via social media.

I don't want any of my sisters to be like Tomi Lahren. You all are smarter, sharper, more articulate, brilliant, so why would I want y'all to be like her?

We're special because God created us, and that goes for any race.

In America, a black man has to feel like he's God just to make it a little bit when white people can just feel human. They can just be themselves, but for me, I feel we have to start instilling that back into our people. That pride. That black power. That privilege to be alive.

You have to empower yourself.

I am definitely not sitting down with Jason Whitlock because I don't think he is willing to learn. He is fat and 50. There ain't no changing the mind of a fat, 50-year-old person.

I don't know how me having a conversation with Tomi Lahren all of a sudden turned into me hating black women.

I always felt like, when you're lying, you're kind of pretending to be something you're not.

There's nothing that makes me feel better than being on these mainstream shows, whether it's 'The View,' 'Colbert' or whatever, and saying, 'It's a privilege to be black.' Oh, I love that.

I ain't got no rhythm.