Being gay is not a crime.

Trump bumper sticker is the new Confederate flag. Absolutely. All Donald Trump is doing is making America hate again.

I think forgiveness is overrated, personally, because some things people do are unforgivable.

Honesty is a foundation, and it's usually a solid foundation. Even if I do get in trouble for what I said, it's something that I can stand on.

I come from an era of black pride, black power, my father riding around listening to James Brown singing, 'Say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud,' and people walking around with African medallions and Malcolm X hats.

One day, I got beat up, and my glasses, which were crooked already, got shattered on the ground. That's when I said, 'Okay, enough.' I became like Batman. I decided to thug myself out, all the way.

I think everybody has the right to be who they are and not be chastised.

Every musician that dies is the greatest ever when they die. I never heard a David Bowie record in my life. But for whatever reason, he's one of the greatest of all time now. You know why? 'Cause he's dead.

When it's the funeral scene of 'My Girl,' and Thomas is in the casket, and the young lady is screaming that he can't see without his glasses, you can absolutely, absolutely cry. Perfectly big, crazy tears all over your shirt, into the arms of others.

I bet you my body is three-quarters Red Bull.

I don't mind have an uncomfortable conversation if those uncomfortable conversations can lead to a bigger dialogue and help us get to a better understanding of whatever it is we are discussing.

If I was a white rapper, the bar for me would be Eminem. Of course his white skin helped him excel to heights that a lot of other rappers couldn't, but he still was talented. People gravitated towards him because of his skills. He stood the test of time.

I'm a Remy Martin guy. I like Remy and Coke, and I like the white Remy V with pineapple. I'm an equal-opportunity Remy drinker.

The thing with racism is it's rare you can really prove racism.

If you live for the compliments, you'll die by the criticism.

I'm a big believer in evolution, growth, and in being the best you that you can be, and I feel like the first step to doing that is getting mentally healthy.

Everything starts with a thought. Your thoughts become things, and anything that your mind can conceive, you can achieve.

My father, Larry McKelvey, he was the man in Moncks Corner. He ran illegal nightclubs where everyone went, ran around in red leather pants, claimed he partied with Rick James. If you needed anything in Moncks Corner, you saw Larry McKelvey.

You want to stay grounded, but you need to keep the music growing.

Music will always be a part of my life. I love music and I don't care how many units I sell.

Living in a small country town, there wasn't a whole lot to do so you find your own fun. I was always getting myself in trouble.

There's nothing more fun to me than new characters and a new world.

There's nothing more fun than making fun of what's sacred.

I think music is the most phenomenal platform for intellectual thought.