Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.

I now know that anything sweet, really sweet, that I have was nothing that I planned. If you don't have kids and animals, you don't truly know what real life is about.

It's such a joy to be able to play someone who is angry. It's a joy and a relief.

I don't want to not enjoy where I am at this very moment. So, every time I plan something the exact opposite happens. I hope that I'm always satisfied and content like I am right at this very moment.

I don't want to not enjoy where I am at this very moment. So, every time I plan something the exact opposite happens. I hope that I'm always satisfied and content like I am right at this very moment.

Motherhood is beautiful. Everything [my son] does makes me so happy.

Go find your joy. It's what you're going to remember in the end.

The joy of The Lord really is strength.

There will be rough nights but joy really does come in the morning.

I juice a lot; I get as much protein as I can, because being a vegan, there isn't much protein. But that's pretty much it. I just drink lots of water, too. I'll have a protein shake as well every morning.

I was never one for the passenger seat. I have always wanted my level of entertainment and showmanship to be the same as a frontman.

I'm so much fun. Every kid wishes I was their grandpa! I'm the Motor City Madgramps.

It is a lot of responsibility. But I enjoy being a father. That's one of the best parts of my life. I feel like, man, that's one of the greatest things I've got going on, being a father.

We can no longer afford to be entertained beyond the point of accountability. We can't keep selling each other out and be willing to do anything to be seen, to be famous or to be rich.

I think making a good film shot is joyful.

Be joyful because it is humanly possible.

Where there is chance of gain, there is also chance of loss. Whenever one courts great happiness, one also risks malaise.

Otaguro’s bosom heaved with an ineffable surge of joy. “Every man is fighting,” he murmured. “Every man.

Just close your eyes and enjoy the rollercoaster that is life :)

Dancing for the length of time that I did, it centered me in such a way to be really in tune with my body, and I just feel like I'm physically able to do things because of my ballet background. Without ballet, I don't think I'd look graceful at all on screen.

I can go to any restaurant without a reservation, but while I'm there, everyone's gonna be staring.

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.

“He who has set his heart exclusively upon the pursuit of worldly welfare is always in a hurry, for he has but a limited time at his disposal to reach, to grasp, and to enjoy it.”

“Happy, however, I cannot be, absent from you and my darling little ones. I feel that nothing can ever compensate for the loss of the enjoyments I leave at home or can ever put my heart at tolerable ease...In reality, my attachments to home disqualify me for either business or pleasure abroad and the prospect of a detention here for eight or ten days, perhaps a fortnight, fills me with an anxiety which will best be conceived by my Betsey's own impatience...Think of me with as much tenderness as I do of you and we can not fail to be always happy.”