One of the toughest guys in the world is Randy Couture - he is the true epitome of what a tough guy is.

The fight training was very extensive, a lot of stretching, a lot of coordination of balance exercises.

I think being a competitive diver for years helps you focus and dedicate yourself to what's needed.

Look at someone like Edward Norton. A truly phenomenal actor. He's definitely went to school and trained.

I just gravitate to those more testosterone-filled sort of parts than me playing something a bit more fairy-like.

I've always got a home in England. My family and friends are there. It's a place I hold very close to me.

I pick up a lot of stuff from them, but I don't think there's any great trick to acting.

There's something quite fascinating with crooks and criminals and all things against the law.

The thing about the UK is we don't really make that many great movies.

The oil sequence was about two or three days. It was very cold and was snowing.

A lot of action movies today seem to have scenes that just lead up to the action.

Jet was very busy. I've been inspired by a lot of his movies.

Well, I'm used to rubbing shoulders with crooks and criminals.

It's something I never dreamed I'd be doing, making movies.

There's a huge amount of faith and confidence in the stunt team.

I'm not as big a soccer fan as people might imagine, being British.

In Hollywood, people get reputations, just rumors that are passed down.

If someone's got a fear of heights, they'd probably say, well, hanging off a helicopter at 3,000 feet above downtown L.A. would be the scariest. For me, that's a day's work, something I was very happy to do.

“Men are always ready to respect anything that bores them.”

It's not like I go out there to be a sex symbol. I mean, it's nice of course - but embarrassing.

Now, product placement, whichever way you look at it, whether you like it or you think it's disgusting, or whatever, it's what it is.

Sometimes shooting on a smaller scale, as long as things don't blow out of proportion, is very liberating.

I never really had a strong accent.

The days of the misogynistic Bond are sort of over.