I don't get it when you get so much openness about the way movies are made, and the special effects and the behind-the-scenes stuff and all of that. I can't help but feel like this reduces it a little bit.

It's the actors who are prepared to make fools of themselves who are usually the ones who come to mean something to the audience.

“Every action has its pleasures and its price.”

The overarching factor to me is if we can't be kind to each other, we won't be kind to the planet.

There's a presumption that somehow you calculate beforehand whether something is going to be good politically or not. I simply don't.

We calculate the amount spent [by Brethren and other anti- Green groups] was between $500,000 and $1 million - that's a huge amount for a state election campaign in Tasmania.

There are four basic human needs; food, sleep, sex and revenge.

Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it.

One Original Thought is worth 1000 Meaningless Quotes.

I'd been painting rats for three years before someone said 'that's clever it's an anagram of art' and I had to pretend I'd known that all along.

I like to think I have the guts to stand up anonymously in a western democracy and call for things no-one else believes in - like peace and justice and freedom.

There's no way you're going to get a quote from us to use on your book cover" - Metropolitan Police Spokesperson

People seem to think if they dress like a revolutionary they don`t actually have to behave like one.

Think from outside the box, collapse the box and take a fucking knife to it.

“Fear is stronger than love, remember that. Fear is stronger than love. All that love I gave didn’t mean nothing when it came to fear.”

The majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right.

No, I don't think one ought to be at everybody's beck and call. Anyway, I'm not going to be.

To think it, wish it, even want it — but do it! No, that I cannot understand.

Dr. Stockmann: Yes, I can afford it now. Katherine tells me I earn almost as much as we spend. Peter Stockmann: Almost—yes!

Nora: Torvald, don't look at me like that! Torvald: Can't I look at my richest treasure? At all that beauty that's mine, mine alone-completely and utterly.

The idol of Authority must be shattered in this town.

[From below comes the noise of a door slamming.]

A party is like a sausage machine, it grinds up all sorts of heads together into the same baloney ...

It is not only the prisoners who grow coarse and hardened from corporeal punishment, but those as well who perpetrate the act or are present to witness it.