I'm obsessive enough about getting fit, it's ridiculous. I'm 40 now, and I've got to stop doing it soon. I have to start getting fat and old!

I just think that the collective experience of going to see a film is something you can't recreate.

I used to think the press was a necessary evil and now I don't think it is. I think it's something you choose.

We agreed to do it when I was drunk at his house one night, then on the day I had to have four large brandies - they didn't touch the sides at all. People just got on with it though. It didn't gather a crowd!

There's no real side to be on because I think it was a mess.

Being on your own would be sad, sick and weird. I don't trust myself. I need that balance.

I think there's a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel.

Anybody can leap off a building.

Intimate scenes on a movie set are just dry, bizarre things; people standing around.

It's a Tim sandwich. The meat is fresh, but the bread is moldy.

As soon as someone tells me: 'You're rather sexy,' I wish I could disappear. If somebody says: 'You were voted the world's sexiest man,' I have no idea what that means. How do I respond? 'Thank you' is the best you can do. George Clooney is the world's sexiest man, anyway.

Sexiness, particularly in movies, is the chess game in the 'Thomas Crown Affair'. It's, it's, I don't know, but Faye Dunaway comes up a lot in that thinking. It's the subtlety of sexiness. The moment you try to be sexy, then it's not.

When you read a novel, your own imagery is the most important. It's what makes reading such a wonderful thing.

Revenge doesn't stop.

“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”

If you're doing your job properly, you take the risk of feeling slightly foolish and delve in and bring out the emotions.

I like being responsible for myself

It's about pursuing it rather than waiting to see what comes along.

I think it's important when you're acting to be as relaxed as possible even if you're doing something intense. You're basically in a state of dynamic relaxation.

I never, in any city I've ever been in, never remember the names of streets. The longest place I ever lived in was for five years and I didn't know the name of the next street over.

I feel like I'm pretty good but I don't like to toot my own horn, you know. I want to let the work speak for itself and kind of move on to the next thing.

All I've ever ended up with in terms of achievements is the movie, some really stupid anecdotes, a bunch of crosswords that I didn't finish and maybe some old bicycle that I found lying around on set.

You have to treat yourself like a mushroom to some degree, in order to keep on discovering things.

The only thing that I'm obsessed with is sleeping, and actually, it is more than an obsession, it is a pleasure.