Do not put forward anything that you cannot prove by experimentation.

La fortuna juega a favor de una mente preparada

You've got to be good or as bad as the devil.

There's only two ways to sum up music; either it's good or it's bad. If it's good you don't mess about it, you just enjoy it.

I'm a spade, you're an ofay. Let's play.

There's some folks, that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em.

My life has always been my music, it's always come first, but the music ain't worth nothing if you can't lay it on the public. The main thing is to live for that audience, 'cause what you're there for is to please the people.

You will never know what the meaning of Jazz is if ask what it means.

If you have to ask what jazz is you will never know." Louis Armstrong

‎We all go Do, Re, Mi, but you've gotta find all the other notes yourself.

It makes you feel good, man, makes you forget all the bad things that happen to a Negro. It makes you feel wanted, and when you're with another tea smoker, it makes you feel a special kinship.

You either have it or you don't. You play your horn just like you sing a song or a hymn. If it's in your heart, you express yourself in the tune.

There are Two Secrets to Success: 1. Don't tell ANYONE Everything you know 2.If you have to ask what Jazz is, you'll never know.

There are Two Secrets to Success: 1. Don't tell ANYONE Everything you know 2.If you have to ask what Jazz is, you'll never know.

The best I can do is stay happy.

The memory of things gone is important to a jazz musician.

The Brick House was one of the toughest joints I ever played in ... Guys would drink and fight one another like circle saws. Bottles would come flying over the bandstand like crazy and there was lots of plain common shooting and cutting. But somehow all that jive didn't faze me at all. I was so happy to have some place to blow my horn.

You got to love to be able to play

We all do 'do, re, mi,' but you have got to find the other notes yourself.

Seems to me it ain't the world that's so bad but what we're doing to it, and all I'm saying is: see what a wonderful world it would be if only we'd give it a chance. Love, baby - love. That's the secret.

I don't let my mouth say nothin' my head can't stand....

I'll bet right now most of the youngsters and hot club fans who hear the name Storyville hasn't the least idea that it consisted of some of the biggest prostitutes in the world ... Standing in their doorways nightly in their fine and beautiful negligees -- faintly calling to the boys as they passed their cribs.

What we play is life.

What we play is life.