Each man has his own music bubbling up inside him.

Jazz is played from the heart. You can even live by it. Always love it.

There is no such thing as 'on the way out' as long as you are still doing something interesting and good; you're in the business because you're breathing.

Unless you know what it is I ain't never going to be able to explain it to you.

If I don’t practice for a day, I know it. If I don’t practice for two days, the critics know it. And if I don’t practice for three days, the public knows it.

All music is folk music. I ain't never heard a horse sing a song.

To jazz, or not to jazz, there is no question!

It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with narcotics dope and all of that stuff. It is a thousand times better than whiskey. It is an assistant and a friend.

I got a simple rule about everybody. If you don't treat me right - shame on you.

A lotta cats copy the Mona Lisa, but people still line up to see the original.

Making money ain't nothing exciting to me. You might be able to buy a little better booze than the wino on the corner. But you get sick just like the next cat and when you die you're just as graveyard dead as he is.

My whole life, my whole soul, my whole spirit is to blow that horn.

Some of you young folks been saying to me, 'Hey Pops, what you mean what a wonderful world? How about all them wars all over the place? You call them wonderful? And how about hunger and pollution? They ain't so wonderful either.' But how about listening to old Pops for a minute. It seems to me it ain't the world that's so bad, but what we're doing to it, and all I'm saying is see what a wonderful world it would be if only we'd give it a chance. Love, baby, love. That's the secret. Yeah. If lots more of us loved each other, we'd solve lots more problems. And man, this world would be a gasser.

Don't do nothing halfway, else you find yourself dropping more than can be picked up.

Every time I close my eyes blowing that trumpet of mine, I look right into the heart of good old New Orleans. It has given me something to live for.

Musicians don't retire; they stop when there's no more music in them.

If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know.

And I think to myself what a wonderful world. Oh, yeah....

I never not wanted to be a singer. Since I was 3, I knew this was what I wanted to do. Well, I can't say I wanted to do it, but I fantasized and thought about it all the time. I never thought it would actually happen.

It's really important to stand up for yourself and not always agree with what people say if indeed you don't feel that that's true

I’m a huge fan of the books myself, so to know that I got to play Clary – who’s a literary heroine to me – was a huge honour.

To look into that persons eyes and find yourself so completely lost in another world, a world full of absolute comfort and happiness.

When it comes to the work, I'm excited to see what people think. When it comes to the private life, that's when I don't pay attention.

Big brows weren’t the look in L.A., where I grew up. But my mom instilled in me that it’s the quirky things that make you beautiful.