My parenting heroes are the Obamas! They've been married for so long, and it looks like they're having fun, and their kids are down to earth, well-adjusted, and smart. They seem to have a strong family unit that I would like to emulate in my life.

She is always going to be Diana Ross; she doesn't have to put out another album to keep at it. I'm not Diana, but people know me from the stuff that I've done. And that stuff, those videos, live forever and will continue to be discovered by a new users.

The surrogate is feeling pregnant! And a little sick. She thinks it's a girl.

Those that don't know that I've gone through so many IVF treatments, and I've gone through six cycles to get this child, that's on its way via surrogate, biological child - and it's been great.

My guilty pleasure is vanilla cupcakes! I love cupcakes! I love cupcakes. When it's really bad, it's 12 per day. I've fallen asleep with cupcake in my mouth, like, frosting all over my mouth. More than - several times.

It'd be nice if people consider me somewhat of an ambassador.

Voting is super important, and your vote counts.

Now my haters are very high class people, so I feel like I've moved up.

Parenting is not giving your child everything they want. Parenting is not being your child's friend. Parenting is about preparing your child to be a useful and respectful person in society.

The Kesha Lyrics to hit song 'Tik Tok' are a cry for help.

Hello this is Glozell! Is you OK? Is you? Good, cause I wanted to know!

Kids can relate to having some scary person living near their house. They can relate to, 'Hey, don't go near that house.' We all can.

The witch in 'Snow White' is a very scary image.

I like the characters that have some redeeming quality or if it's interesting to me in any way.

I try to shy away from playing cranky people, but if it's just a funny next-door neighbor or business man, I'll say, 'Sure, why not?'

I just love everything that Disney and Pixar do. Not only do they do beautiful films, but they have great messages for kids.

To a New Yorker, a 1948 Indians World Series baseball signed by the whole team might be worth only $200 to $300, but to a Clevelander like myself, it might be, like, $1,000 to $2,000.

I am re-collecting the baseball cards my mom had thrown out when I went away to school. You know you are an adult when you can buy a whole set of baseball cards instead of two packs at a time.

I guess the essence of my comedy is to get into a very abnormal situation but act like it's normal.

I'd love to have Burt Reynolds' career.

My stepfather was a military man: he was in the Air Force. Reserve. You thought he'd seen front-line action, but he was stationed in Cleveland.

I really enjoy working on 'Modern Family.'

I love working with Ty Burrell.