God bless Chris Guest... and I mean it sincerely.

I don't know why my lines that were cut from the film didn't make it onto the DVD. I have offered to go into the editing room with Christopher and work shoulder to shoulder with him to fit all my lines in. I think he thinks I'm kidding. I'm only trying to help.

Someone I've always admired is Catherine O'Hara... I think she's one of the best actresses in the country, not only comedy. I just think she's just a step aside from everybody, she's just wonderful.

It's more fun in a way to do ensemble scenes, where you know your background, you know the scene, but you can't prepare because someone else is going to say something that is going to lead you off.

I like to play the guy that has no self-awareness.

When you think about accountants, who would want to be an accountant? But, what would we do without accountants? Whether it's soldiers or garbage men or doctors, everyone has the thing that they love.

There's this whole underground world of amateur television production.

Martin Landau in 'Crimes and Misdemeanors' - he gave me chills.

I love San Francisco!

Looking back, I was a very good kid, very studious and all. But I would always come out with a quip - and I was sent to the principal's office several times.

Suddenly you're like a pirate, you're 65 years old and you've got an earring.

I once was in a project. They were going to do a remake. Somebody started a rumor I wanted more money. I said, 'This is ridiculous. I'd kill for this project!'

The 'Tim And Eric' experience was very strange.

Bob Balaban is so perfect that the first movie I did with him, I couldn't talk to him because I was so intimidated by him.

My first improv was Second City in Chicago. Before that, I worked at - with a partner, doing comedy sketches.

I've found over the years that for some reason, people either are big fans and have to use me, or they don't quite understand what I'm doing.

As an actor, and as you get to a certain level... and it's pilot season and you read the trades, you could have a nervous breakdown. 'So-and-so's signed for a pilot. Why aren't I?'

I have a guy who does my hair. He's a car nut. And he was taking motorcycle lessons. And, what was my point?

I saw the 'Wizard of Oz' recently and realized that, all my life, I thought they were real monkeys with wings. That's how scary that movie was for me.

It's such a pleasure to work in these movies, it's almost like it's not really happening.

Cleveland is my hometown, and the Indians have a narrow but rich history.

I guess it's from going to Virginia Military Institute. I'm a good person to follow orders.

It scared me to death to think about improv, but I got hired for a year at Second City in Chicago, which made me nervous, but I found I could improvise. Then I was in a group called the Ace Trucking Company, which we'd do, like, a half hour set of material, then open up for improvisation.

I just admire everybody and sit in awe and watch them.