I love driving. Listen to some music.

I feel like Miami is way, way too hot.

I would see people on TV, or I'd see bands I really liked, and I thought, 'I want that.'

There's no judgment on bands that continue on who aren't popular; some people get enjoyment out of it. I'm just not one of those people.

I was really close to being this guy who used to be in this band who is still playing and trying to get some recordings together, but I got really lucky.

I spent most of my 20s playing music. I was in a band, and we worked really hard and did not get very far.

I love painters because I don't paint, so I get to enjoy art; I like collecting paintings.

I don't know anything about the wine world at all.

I have a problem with sweets. I have an inability to eat a just little bit. It's almost like I can't even enjoy chocolate anymore - I have to stuff it into my brain, cram it into my ears.

I actually, legitimately feel that I'm not busy enough. I want to be so busy that it's overwhelming.

I travel a lot. I'll go back and forth, you know, West Coast-East Coast, but it's separated by segments. So it's not a daily thing.

I can't be bothered with narrative. It takes too long for me to try to think of it.

When you're in a band, you spend most of your time in a van. Like, there were four of us, we toured all the time, and you're stuck looking at three other people for a month straight. And all of those times, we all just liked making fun of people, doing impressions of people, coming up with songs.

I wanted so badly to be in a famous band, and it was not happening. I played drums with different bands and with the Blue Man Group in Chicago, but I definitely felt like, 'Wow, I did not picture my life being like this.'

I'm glad I get to do characters. It's just like a Polaroid shot of whoever the person is, and to me, anyway, that's kind of what life is like. You get a general sense of somebody, and then we're all good, we get it. We understand each other.

I am immediately disinterested when I hear mountain-climbing stories.

My favorite song is 'Cybele's Reverie' by Stereolab.

I am opposed to vacations and leisure. I try to make every day a work day. Even if there's nothing on my schedule, I will try do at least one task that is work-related.

Sometimes 'Portlandia' can be pretty traditional. But the stuff I've always loved on 'SNL' has always been the weirdest stuff I've done. The stuff that went on at 10 to 1 in the morning.

I'm obsessed with my 20s. I buy things that I wanted in my 20s. It's weird; it's a weird thing that I didn't grow out of.

I tend to think that there is a sophistication to everything at 'Saturday Night Live,' including the sketches.

There are people who are genetically made to start record labels, and I'm not one of those people. People just have it in their blood and are good at it. Corey Rusk from Touch and Go and Ian MacKaye. These are people who have made their own labels.

I've always been a fan of instructional videos. The bass-player ones are insane. The music on them is fascinating. It's not something you hear on CDs or would really ever play in bands. You listen to it and are like, 'What is happening?' It's this blizzard of notes in weird time signatures, and they're trying to teach you that.

I don't think there's an archetype for the Justin Bieber fan. A Bieber fan just looks like an American. You wouldn't even need a costume to try and resemble one.