In most cities, it doesn't cost much to put your own show on a local access channel, so you get all sorts of strange stuff on the air.

I never think I'm old enough to play someone's dad, even though I have a daughter of my own and a grandson.

My father passed away when I was 12, so it was very difficult. But I was always the class clown. I don't know why - maybe as an escape. But then I was sent away to military prep school.

I've never crossed over to be a big star. I'd like to be in a big $100 million movie, though. 'Cause I was in an 'Austin Powers,' I think I had two lines, and every once in a while, I get a check, a really nice check, for that movie.

I think my wife saw a picture of the rock group Journey, and they're kind of aging, and the one guy had dyed blonde hair with black roots, and... my idea was to get a little earring, I wanted to have a dangling earring.

When we need a policeman, God bless 'em, they're there. But, if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, everything seems suspicious.

I did a show called 'Lois & Clark' - it was about Superman - years ago. They wanted someone to play the president of the United States. The plot was the president got kidnapped by a group, and they made a clone of him, who was very irresponsible and silly.

I really like watching TV at home.

I really loved touring with my band, but it felt like we would spend a lot of time playing in empty rooms - empty clubs. We had some good successes, but it's so physically hard to load up a van and drive all day.

I was impersonating people way, way, way early, as far back as I can remember. And I would do people on my street for my parents, I remember. And in school, I did the same thing with all the teachers. It was just like, I mean, it was something I loved to do. I don't think there was a time when I wasn't doing it. I was always doing it.

There's almost no such thing as a hipster.

You should approach everything in life like, 'What is this?'

The way James Franco goes to new projects, he does it the way an artist should, which is with a question mark. Like, will this work?

Missing something doesn't help anything. You can only look at the future, what you can keep doing.

I will always consider myself a punk because of those experiences in high school. It will always be a part of me.

The bands that were big in '77, like the Clash and the Sex Pistols and Talking Heads, I got into them in the early '80s. And it changed my life. It got into my DNA.

I was actually late to the punk movement because I was too young.

I'm not by nature a cynical person. But sometimes your expectations are different from reality.

I would never play a character that wasn't true. It's not a moral thing; it's just that it's more convincing if it's a little bit like me.

I'd want to direct a video for Yoko Ono. As long as I got to work with Yoko Ono someday, I'd be really happy. I just think she's such a great artist - it would just be so nice.

When 'Pale Fire' came out, that album was a big friend of mine. I've just always purely been a fan of El Perro del Mar.

I will always, no matter what, be a punk more than anything.

I think Ian MacKaye is everything that I always wanted to be.

I find it weird to use my own voice on TV.