I work better when I'm juggling projects. Nothing worse than watching someone really embrace what they're doing if they love it too much.

Art should not be an easy thing.

Every music journalist I've ever met has been stunningly beautiful.

Surround yourself with people you like and respect; surround yourself with people you just want to be around and keep making things.

I don't like watching shows where all of a sudden you're like, what happened? They shot the last season in Las Vegas?

I have an inability to relax. I try to make every day a work day. I get pleasure from work... I try to think of sketch ideas, stand-up pieces. I am incapable of leisure and leisure time.

I spent a lot of time lifting my drums into a van, playing to ten people night after night. I can't complain about anything now. That stuff was heavy.

I will admit that I purposely stress myself out. But I think I like stressing myself out. There's a glamour to, like, 'I've got to get to the airport!' I just like the caricature.

I try to maintain a high level of coolness. Which means I've gotta look at lot of magazines. I've gotta look at a lot of ads to see what people want to wear.

If something seems like a little venue, don't treat it like that. Do it all. If you're sort of wondering why you're doing something at some location, just do it - any size theater, production, or whatever. It's all helpful.

When I'm hungry, I need to eat right away.

When you're being mean to someone, you can feel the audience just get cold.

I think I was a terrible husband, I think I'm a terrible boyfriend.

I feel bad for everyone I've gone out with.

There are bands that I am friends with, who will invite me up on stage. Like Les Savy Fav, who have had me on stage, and I have played on their record. There are a couple of bands like that. Yo La Tengo has invited me to play with them.

I've met Tony Danza. He was really nice. And he looks... I feel like he hasn't aged. He looks exactly the same. He's just Tony Danza. He's exactly the same as he's always been.

The day of parts of the country hating each other, or rivalries like that... I feel like that's dead.

The Long Island experience is so strange. You're a satellite around the city, so the presence of the city is always looming.

When I first started going to Portland, people told me about Stumptown. They were like 'Oh, it's the best coffee,' and I thought, 'How good could it really be?' I'm like, 'Sure, great, uh... I'd love to see it.' But then when I went, it truly, I am not kidding, is the best coffee I have ever had.

Everyone knows deep in their hearts that the drums are the coolest instrument, and that a band is only as good as its drummer. So I'm all for drum solos. I'm all for drummers hamming it up. I'm all for drummers standing up and kicking over the kit.

That's one of the great things about Los Angeles, that people just play music, and it's all very welcoming and welcomed.

I enjoy getting to work on 'Saturday Night Live', where I get to do people like David Paterson. And then, its like a different muscle to do someone like a bicycle guy on' Portlandia'.

Wayne Coyne has put out Flaming Lips records in gummy bear skulls and all these different kinds of packaging that's really, really inventive. And that's what you should always do.

My favorite album is 'Ram' by Paul and Linda McCartney.