This girl just kept staring at me, and I was like, 'What in the world is wrong with her?' That's when I knew, this YouTube thing is something.

A lot of my comedy is physical, so you don't have to understand English to get that I'm choking to death on cinnamon or falling out of this tree or whatever.

What I hear is that people think of me as their cousin or their sister or somebody they want to hang out with.

My childhood ambition was to become a Tooth Fairy. And I do talk about that in my book 'Is You Okay.' My mama always told me to say I wanted to be a corporate lawyer, and today I am much closer to being a Tooth Fairy than I ever was a Corporate Lawyer... so hah hah hah hah.

Whether you're old or young or white or black or however, funny is funny, and people want to see those videos.

I want to be, like, a fertility minister. Like, someone who takes you by the hand and tells you that it'll be OK.

Somehow, this child is gonna show me what to do, because I thought maybe I'll grow up by then, but no. I still just want to play around in my Crocs and tutus, so I don't know.

Rebecca Black 'Friday' song is the best song ever! Don't you agree!

I love 'Sky Whale!' I play it in bed, I play it in church, I even play it on the toilet!

I thought I was healthy... well, my eggs were a little powdered.

It can get discouraging - 'Oh, it didn't work,' or, 'Oh, I lost the baby,' or, 'I can't do this again.' You can. And when you get the kid, you'll be happy that you did. But it's a very painful process for a lot of people. You just have to figure out how it's gonna get done.

There will be another book, more stories, more life experiences, so I'm ready; bring it on!

Exercise! It's important for your health. And just remember that what you see on Instagram isn't reality.

Everything isn't just gonna be okay. It doesn't just have to be good.

I'm really excited about working with Bunim/Murray and PB&J to unleash the power of 'GloBugz' on the universe.

Everyone told me to sleep when the baby sleeps, but she sleeps during the daytime, and that's when I have to get stuff done! I've been a zombie.

Someone is always taking a video of me or snapping a photo.

Security doesn't know who us YouTubers are, but they know who Justin Bieber is.

My biggest challenges when I first started out were not having a computer or camera or Wi-Fi! The computer and the camera had to be borrowed, and there were times that I used the computer at the library, and I literally sat outside people's houses to steal their Internet connections.

My community grew on social media because I don't exclude anybody from any walk of life. The videos that I create are seen throughout the world and are funny no matter what language you speak.

I actually started my YouTube channel by accident! I was growing a fan base without even knowing it, and it's all in my book 'Is You Okay?'

Sometimes online, there are what we call trolls or bullies that want to leave negative comments. That's just because they feel bad about themselves, and they want to spread that.

My momma says whenever you go to somebody's house, you have to give them something. Don't come empty-handed.

I'm bringing reading back. I'm making reading great again!