Whenever I play Las Vegas, they always give you a suite, and it's really nice, and it always comes with a large bathtub.

I don't think anyone leaves Las Vegas rejuvenated, their skin shining, their bank accounts glowing. No one leaves Vegas, like, 'I didn't make one mistake. That felt great. Back to work.'

It's always nice to be paid to be in Las Vegas.

My hair is just like five pieces of very soft straw that needs managing. I touch my hair a lot, and that makes it crazy.

I'm going to die unhappy. That's how artists roll!

I'm always looking for bigger audiences and bigger stages. Really, however I can reach my fans is what will make me happy - well, I'll actually probably never be happy.

My whole life, I knew that I was going to be funny for a living.

I was always rewarded for being funny. I liked being funny.

Getting to prove yourself in a room that's not your typical demo is an experience every comic should try. It makes you better.

When I started my career, I started with black comics: Bruce Bruce, Mark Curry, Bill Bellamy. It takes all kinds of influences.

I prefer social politics to politics.

There's a way to express femininity and independence and strength without going for hanging fruit.

What keeps me going is that this I all there is. I am a comedian, and this is what I do. It's like telling a fish to stop swimming. It'll die.

When all my girlfriends were watching 'ER,' I was watching episodes of 'Kids in the Hall.'

My family is funny. I think you're born with the gene.

No matter who you date, people are going to make fun of them, jealous people are going to say stuff, people get creepy - all the things that come with the public eye.

You're never going to please 100 percent of women.

At a certain point, I had so much artwork that I decided to respect the art and present them in a nice way, not just on a dusty shelf.

My mother always told me that you should have one room in your house where you celebrate all of your achievements. You shouldn't have them spread throughout.

I drink Peet's Coffee, and they're a very authentic company. They don't try to be something that they're not, and I think that's reflective in my comedy as well.

I've never been a dirty comic.

Standup is a tough job and a gritty job.

Unfortunately, we don't live in a society where you can say whatever you want, and there will be no repercussions. Pick and choose your battles. I think that's the key.

I had a 'Monty Python' CD, and I would listen to it in the car on the way to school. It also refined my British accent. I can do a killer British accent because I'm just imitating 'Monty Python.'