I celebrate everything. We always had a menorah and a Christmas tree - not for any reason other than we always liked celebrating things.

I've always wanted to be in concert and do a solo show.

I was never really a traveler.

I know I'm a success when Jake Tapper messages me on Twitter.

I was always interested in comedy and pop culture.

I always wanted to tour with a band.

Going after people for their politics is not necessarily what I do.

I'm very much a one-man-band.

I did a lot of children's theater in Miami Shores. My base musical theater training happened there.

My mom is probably my biggest fan.

What I love is that I'm hearing from people on the left and people on the right that I've given them something to laugh at.

I think I became a gay comedian out of necessity, because what else am I gonna do with that name? And it has worked out now, but it was a very difficult childhood. It sounds like the hokiest stage name ever.

I'm not a political pundit by any means.

I'm not a disciplined person.

If I have a passion for anything, it's more the truth than politics, and I think that's what got me interested in comedy in the first place, because the best comedy is the truth. People recognize that.

My father was Donald Trump, and my mother was Hillary Clinton, and my grandmother was Nancy Pelosi. And I was - I wanna say, Mike Pence, 'cause he's the gayest one.

It was really my grandmother who was the biggest influence because she'd talk back to the celebrities and politicians on TV. She was a combination of Joan Rivers, Elaine Stritch, Betty White, and Bea Arthur rolled into one.

There's not one Yiddish word that is not perfectly funny.

I used to take my little Disney figurines and turn them into stop-motion animation.

Anyone who does social media, YouTube, Internet content will tell you it can be extremely isolating.

I was doing YouTube before YouTube was a thing. I was making videos on my camcorder for my friends. I would do parodies of Britney Spears videos and stuff like that.

I was always interested in being funny and amusing and creating art and comedy.

I really wasn't raised with much religion. I mean we practice kind of the basic tradition, but for me it was always more of a cultural thing and that's a part of me and my ancestry that I always loved. I mean, I think that a lot of my humor is 'Jewish humor' at its root. And so culturally I love that part of myself.

I am very proud to be a Jew.