Drag queens are not pathetic creatures. Drag queens are fabulous and fun.

Anytime you give a man in a wig a microphone, anything can happen.

I didn't plan to be a comedian. I didn't plan to be a drag queen. It just kind of evolved.

I'm not going to do an album. There's enough horrible drag queens singing - especially when they do that spoken word over music, 'I'm fierce! I'm fierce!'

I don't know what I want, but I know what I don't want, which has worked out well for me.

Everything is offensive, so I'm enjoying the fact that I'm anti-kind. You've got to go out and just speak your mind. It needs to be heard.

I've had some great gigs and had horrible ones. I always look at the horrible ones, and think there's got to be something in this that I can use later in my show. It all pays off in the end.

For me, call me what you want, as long as I'm working.

There are friends of mine that I've known for years who didn't like my brand of humor, but once I was on 'Drag Race,' they loved it.

TV's a pretty powerful thing.

Everything that I was ridiculed for as a child - being too feminine or wearing a dress - has made my life fabulous now.

As a drag queen, you can pick your hair and I've made some horrible choices.

We live in a country that elected Trump. Clearly you have a sense of humor.

I don't like the Kardashians, but I still live a full life.

What's funny is funny. It doesn't matter what expense it's at. There are people who don't like that and I understand.

Dr. Phil is a fat, loud blowhard with a Texas twang and male-pattern baldness.

I always say New Orleans is my heart. It's where I'm from. I go back, and I have a huge fondness for it.

Well, I've realized I can function with no sleep!

Rolodex of Hate' is basically how I ended up being so hateful. It's a look inside.

I live in L.A. so I don't get to see much theatre anymore. They have a lot of touring shows but it's not like New York - I lived in New York for 15 years and you can walk out on the street and there's something to see.

Amsterdam's my favourite place to visit.

No one can play crazy like Glenn Close. I loved her in 'Fatal Attraction,' '101 Dalmatians,' 'The World According to Garp' - all of those are great.

One of my favourites on Instagram is @dublin_zoetrope. He does these musical theatre/Meryl Streep/Glenn Close memes that are truly hysterical. He'll take a regular photo of them and create an entire storyline, and it makes me cackle out loud.

Everything is not serious. If you don't like what I'm saying, change the channel - don't look at me, don't buy a ticket. You either get it or you don't, and it's fascinating because it's usually intelligent people with a sense of humor who get it.