I was always a creative child. I also liked to paint and draw. All those years of doing those types of things, I was grateful I had those experiences because it changed my life later on. I know they weren't acceptable for what society assumed a boy should do, but I think its just your passion, it's what you're drawn to.

It's important for me to get close to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and actually fix her makeup.

These are truly special days we live in - where a clown in a gown can make her very own drag queen revenge-comedy.

If you have a beard, I would suggest putting glitter on it, because it will make you look fancy.

I mean, I'm a drag queen, any excuse to wear a costume means it's going to be a good time.

I mean, there's enough people who have a job for years and are not good at it, so you should be skilled at what you do.

Before Bianca?? I don't remember that far back! That would've been in my teens. I was working in local theater and opera, doing costumes, hair and makeup.

In 1996 I was working on a play in New Orleans, and they needed a drag queen. I offered to play the role. That led to guest appearances at bars, which led to regular appearances at bars, which led to hosting. I eventually started working six days a week in bars before moving to N.Y.C.

Well, I'm old enough to remember Carol Burnett, and I would love a variety show type of thing.

There's always something that I will always find to do, because I just enjoy working so much. There's always something on the horizon; it really comes down to scheduling and making it all happen.

In the gay world, and in drag in particular, they love to put you on a pedestal and then two minutes later rip you down.

I am a walking joke.

I'm clown realness!

I've never been a dreamer.

Most humor comes from truth. In the end, if I can laugh about it, who cares?

Sometimes if you're dealing with straight interviewers they're a little more excited if you're in drag: 'Oooh! Aaaah! Eeeee!' But if you're just sitting there out of drag, they think you're just a bitter queen.

Outside of the gay world, I don't know how many people know me.

Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the old days when drag was fun, not personal.

Back in the day, when a man in a wig had to 'lip sync for their life,' they relied on a wig reveal, rose petals or picking up their opponent and twirling them around.

We all have things we're ashamed of.

Basically, I want the most unnatural look possible.

I get frustrated with films that entertain me but ultimately dodge a moral question about how you should try and live.

My success at living a moral life is pretty terrible, but I still aspire to do it! I identify with the Johnny Cash thing that trying to live a good life and be a good person are not necessarily the same thing!

For me, one of the things art has to examine is how to live your life, and unless it's doing that, it doesn't work for me.