I'm fortunate that, in real life, I love what I do and get to celebrate it.

I see the people who teased me on Facebook, and they look like hell.

I wish I had a sad story, but I don't. Too many gay people have a sad story.

Chris Rock, I think is pretty brilliant, and Amy Schumer's fabulous.

Oh my God, of course there's everybody in the world that I would love to work with. I mean I got to meet and work with Joan Rivers, who was my absolute favorite. Sadly I didn't get to meet Mr. Don Rickles before he passed.

I mean I'm one of those people that laugh at a funeral. And it's always the worst time, but there's always a place to find something funny.

I try to find humor in everything.

Some drag queens want to get into drag and be sexy and date boys... that ain't me.

Everybody does drag for different reasons.

The average person assumes that you're a drag queen so you're a nelly and you want to be a girl, which is not the case, and I think Drag Race has changed that for us.

You know you've come full circle when you're working with Charo.

When Logo offered me my own comedy special, I said, 'Let's make it a double.'

To get the opportunities I've gotten has been insane. But also interesting. With the Starbucks commercial, I found it fascinating that once it was on the Internet, tons of people, especially gay people, were like, 'Why did they choose drag queens to showcase our community?'

I've done drag many, many years, but TV is a huge, powerful thing.

It's very awkward to watch yourself on TV because I hate the sound of my voice. It's those moments where you're like, 'I do that?'

Even if you take someone like RuPaul, no matter what she does, people are still going to find something they don't like about her. You just can't win.

I'm a man in a wig who is an entertainer, I'm not a role model.

Obviously I have to use makeup remover, which I have my own makeup remover called Bianca Remover, which you can buy online.

You gotta have moisturizer cause I'm old. You gotta have that. You know for every glass of wine I drink I get drier and drier so I have to keep my self well moisturized.

Oh I ain't going anywhere. You can't get rid of me.

Well honestly, I do stay away from being political, especially about Trump. It's just one of those things.

I never rule anything out, you never know what's to come.

I don't take myself too seriously, I try to always encourage people when they come to see me that nothing is really serious.

I generally enjoy talking with the audience - they give you so much. They've usually had a cocktail or two and they are wild, so it creates a fun environment.