.. that language could but extol, not reproduce, the beauties of the sense.

Čudno je to. Kad čoveka obuzme neka misao, onda je nalazi svuda, čak je i miriše u vetru.

I am a guest of the French language. My poems in French are born of my interaction with the French language, which is not the same as that of a French poet.

I do not use the language of my people. I can take liberties with certain themes which the Arabic language would not allow me to take.

We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.

My English is very bad.

Language is a virus from outer space

Lumea e o oglinda care ofera inapoi fiecaruia reflectia propriului chip. Daca te incrunti se incrunta si ea inapoi spre tine, daca razi devine si ea o companie vesela si placuta

Bevor man bei Sich eine Depression oder geringes Selbstwertgef�hl diagnostiziert... sollte man sicher gehen, dass man nicht nur von Arschl�chern umgeben ist.

Zona spat a stream of Spanish that overwhelmed translation, a long and liquid curse.

Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye.

Some very considerable part of the gestural language of public places that had once belonged to cigarettes now belonged to phones.

Language was like clothes; it could be a help to one, or it could give one away. But the most important thing was that one should not pretend to be what one was not.

I speak as much Spanish as anyone who has grown up in Southern California or Texas or Arizona. I had my three years of high-school Spanish and a couple of semesters in college.

I might be more fluent in Swedish than I am in Spanish. My wife speaks it to our kids, and they're fluent so I hear it all the time, so I've got that under my belt.

[N]o language has ever had a word for a virgin man.

It is impossible to prefigure the salvation of the world in the same language by which the world has been dismembered and defaced.

True translation is transparent: it does not obscure the original, does not stand in its light, but rather allows pure language, as if strengthened by its own medium, to shine even more fully on the original.

Languages are not strangers to on another.

It is the task of the translator to release in his own language that pure language that is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his re-creation of that work.

I am fluent in Spanish and I understand French, Italian and Portuguese.

Una mujer solo retrocede para coger carrerilla

“Though unmusical, German is the most expressive of all languages,”

“A fine thought in fine language is a most precious jewel, and should not be hid away, but be exposed for use and ornament.”