“He seems to have declared war on the King’s English as well as on the English king.”

“The language in which thought is embodied is the mere carcass of the thought, and not the idea itself; tribunals may condemn the form, but the sense and spirit of the work is too subtle for their authority.”

“No, my countrymen, shut your ears against this unhallowed language. Shut your hearts against the poison which it conveys; the kindred blood which flows in the veins of American citizens, the mingled blood which they have shed in defense of their sacred rights, consecrate their Union, and excite horror at the idea of their becoming aliens, rivals, enemies. And if novelties are to be shunned, believe me, the most alarming of all novelties, the most wild of all projects, the most rash of all attempts, is that of rendering us in pieces, in order to preserve our liberties and promote our happiness.”

"He says I am from there, I am from here, but I am neither there nor here. I have two names which meet and part… I have two languages, but I have long forgotten— which is the language of my dreams"

"I want to find a language that transforms language itself into steel for the spirit--a language to use against these sparkling insects, these jets."

"The stars had only one task: they taught me how to read. They taught me I had a language in heaven and another language on earth."

"I am from there. I am from here. I am not there and I am not here. I have two names, which meet and part, and I have two languages. I forget which of them I dream in."

A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.

The Greeks bequeathed to us one of the most beautiful words in our language--the word 'enthusiasm'--en theos--a god within. The grandeur of human actions is measured by the inspiration from which they spring. Happy is he who bears a god within, and who obeys it.

"You just don't know how to use the English language."

"Retirement is the ugliest word in the language."

"First of all he speaks the language which is a lot easier. I didn't speak English until I came to Pittsburgh and it took me awhile to start to feel comfortable with the language. That's a big advantage that he has,"

"A language is as sweet as the tongues of the speakers."

"England and America are two countries separated by the same language."

"I am very sorry, but I cannot learn languages. I have tried hard, only to find that men of ordinary capacity can learn Sanskrit in less time that it takes me to buy a German Dictionary"

"Great Britain and the United States are nations separated by a common language."

"Language is wine upon the lips"

"Language is only the instrument of science, and words are but the signs of ideas: I wish, however, that the instrument might be less apt to decay, and that signs might be permanent, like the things they denote"

"Every quotation contributes something to the stability or enlargement of the language."

"Language is the dress of thought."

"Language is only the instrument of science, and words are but the signs of ideas."

"I am always sorry when any language is lost, because languages are the pedigrees of nations."

"To handle a language skillfully is to practice a kind of evocative sorcery."

"The secret of language is the secret of sympathy and its full charm is possible only to the gentle."