The vision Donald Trump has articulated to Make America Great Again means a stronger America at home and abroad.

The United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike military targets of the Assad regime.

There's a reason why people question the trustworthiness of Hillary Clinton. And that's because they're paying attention.

The Trump Foundation is a private-family foundation. They give virtually every cent in the Trump Foundation to charitable causes.

There are criminal aliens in this country who have come into this country who are perpetrating violence and taking American lives.

There's two ways you can defeat your opponent, number one, is you can defeat 'em outright, or number two, you can just demoralize them.

The promise to share the burden of our defense has gone unfulfilled for too many for too long, and it erodes the very foundation of NATO.

The President reminded us that the war in Iraq is a central battlefield in the war on terror that began the morning of September the 11th.

The United States of America needs to begin to exercise strong leadership to protect the vulnerable citizens and over 100,000 children in Aleppo.

We all lived through September 11. I was here at the Capitol that day. I saw the evil of our enemies written in the smoke rising above the Pentagon.

There are millions more people living in poverty today than the day that Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton at his side, stepped into the oval office.

We ought to assure the public that we'll have a full and complete and transparent investigation whenever there's a loss of life because of police action.

The person who had the greatest influence in my life was my dad, who was a wonderful small businessman, devoted to his family, devoted to the local church.

The reality is the cap-and-trade legislation offered by the Democrats amounts to an economic declaration of war on the Midwest by liberals on Capitol Hill.

The truth of the matter is, the policies of this administration, which Hillary Clinton and Senator Kaine want to continue, have run this economy into a ditch.

To date, embryonic stem cell research has not produced a single medical treatment, where ethical, adult stem cell research has produced some 67 medical miracles.

The reality is that during the Reagan years, for instance, we doubled the amount of revenue that we were sending to Washington, D.C. after the tax cuts took effect.

There are so many families around the country that can't have children. We can improve options so families can have children, can adopt more readily those children.

Unlike the former Soviet Union that respected the strength of West, Putin's Russia ignores talk of sanctions, claims land, and supports rebels in Ukraine with impunity.

We have got to bring together the best resources in America to understand that cyber warfare is the new warfare of the asymmetrical enemies that we face in this country.

We have got to bring together the best resources in America to understand that cyber warfare is the new warfare of the asymmetrical enemies that we face in this country.

The president made very clear to leaders in Congress from right after the election that repealing and replacing Obamacare will be the first priority of this administration.

The president made very clear to leaders in Congress from right after the election that repealing and replacing Obamacare will be the first priority of this administration.

The reason the American people don't trust Hillary Clinton is they're looking at the pay to play politics she operated with the Clinton foundation through the private server.