However long I serve in public life, I'll stand on that basic liberty of the right to keep and bear arms.

I occasionally got called the Rush Limbaugh of Indiana, but most people knew that my style was different.

I occasionally got called the Rush Limbaugh of Indiana, but most people knew that my style was different.

Hillary Clinton wants a better title, and I would, too, if I was already America's secretary of the status quo.

Hillary Clinton wants a better title, and I would, too, if I was already America's secretary of the status quo.

I can assure you President Trump and I are completely focused on the issues that matter most to the American people.

I can assure you President Trump and I are completely focused on the issues that matter most to the American people.

I opposed the Medicare prescription drug entitlement. I opposed the Wall Street bailout. I opposed the stimulus bill.

I opposed the Medicare prescription drug entitlement. I opposed the Wall Street bailout. I opposed the stimulus bill.

I believe that the ideals that America has stood for throughout our history represent the highest ideals of humankind.

I believe that the ideals that America has stood for throughout our history represent the highest ideals of humankind.

Hillary Clinton supports open borders, amnesty and even wants to increase Syrian refugees to this country by 550 percent.

Hillary Clinton supports open borders, amnesty and even wants to increase Syrian refugees to this country by 550 percent.

I have long been a supporter of a free and independent press and I always will be. But with freedom comes responsibility.

I have long been a supporter of a free and independent press and I always will be. But with freedom comes responsibility.

I think Donald Trump laid out a series of priorities that doesn't end with border security, it begins with border security.

I think Donald Trump laid out a series of priorities that doesn't end with border security, it begins with border security.

I - do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that's in them.

I - do I believe in evolution? I embrace the view that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that's in them.

I never thought I'd live to see the day that an American administration would denounce the state of Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem.

I never thought I'd live to see the day that an American administration would denounce the state of Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem.

I always tell people, you know, [J.F.Kennedy's] grandfather was born in Ireland and he was Irish-Catholic, and I thought, so maybe I could someday try do what he did.

I always tell people, you know, [J.F.Kennedy's] grandfather was born in Ireland and he was Irish-Catholic, and I thought, so maybe I could someday try do what he did.

I support free trade. Donald Trump supports free trade.Trade means jobs. Jobs in the United States, jobs in my home state of Indiana are supported by international exports.