Ballet Beautiful has made my pregnancy a joy. I've avoided back pain and swelling by keeping my core strong and body moving.

By continuing to work out and dance while pregnant, I feel a double reward from maintaining my normal routine but all the while knowing that baby is sharing in my day.

Ballet is an incredible art, but it can be a bit elitist, which is a really big turn off to me.

It definitely wasn't cool in junior high, when everyone else is trying out for cheerleading, to have a life consumed by ballet.

A lot of people think the body is just about genetics, but the right approach can change its shape.

I find that healthy eating makes me feel happier, stronger, and more confident.

When you dance, you engage your abs in every step.

My body needs a lot of protein because I exercise so much. I eat dairy, meat, and gluten, but I stay away from white flour, sugar, and processed foods.

I find that the thing that makes every body look the best is great toning, and really, really targeting the muscles, and low cardio, where you're sculpting and getting your heart rate up but not beating yourself up.

I think most people don't need as much cardio as they think they do.

Ballet opens up the chest and the arms and elongates the body, so you carry yourself straighter. That's so important for a model. But also every woman.

It's not about having a perfectly sculpted figure; it's about feeling healthy, fit, and confident.

I've been so fortunate to have had such a healthy, easy pregnancy and have been incredibly active the entire way through. My favorite part is feeling the baby move - but the entire process is such a miracle.

Stretching before and after every workout keeps muscles supple and helps elongate the lines of a ballerina's limbs.

Designing and creating dance clothes has taken my love for dancewear to a whole other level, melding the creative process with my daily fashion and allowing me to bring my most dreamed-about ballet styles to life.

A simple scoop-neck leotard highlights a ballerina's swanlike neck and elegant posture, both rooted in a powerful core.

It's empowering to find a workout that builds strength and grace.

There's no feeling like performing. It's magical, it's so rewarding, and it just feeds this special little part of your soul.

I sometimes wash my face at night with Cetaphil, which I like because it's a really gentle face wash.

My approach in general is to take really great care of my skin, but I try not to overdo it and not use too many crazy products.

The key to building long muscle as you swim is stretching arms far ahead of you in the water, sort of like a swan.

One of the things I found as a dancer is that you're trying to perfect your body but also protect it and keep it injury-free. When you work against your own weight, you're still building lean muscle and bone density, but you're in a safer zone.

I became completely obsessed with body oils while pregnant.

I adore the tapestries at the Musee de Cluny in Paris!