Imperfection is relatable.

People are just obsessed with other people's lives. I don't know whether it's kind of a way to escape their own, or something to follow... I really couldn't tell you.

There is never just one thing that leads to success for anyone. I feel it always a combination of passion, dedication, hard work, and being in the right place at the right time.

I think a good friend, to me, is all about trust and loyalty. You don't ever want to second-guess whether you can tell your friend something.

Some people are willing to betray years of friendship just to get a little bit of the spotlight.

I'd go on the train to castings, changing from my school uniform on the train. I carried on like that for a few years, getting jobs in bits and pieces.

I would say I'm self-taught, but Corinne Day made me less conscious of myself. I was 15, and she'd make me take off my top, and I'd cry. After five years, you get used to it, and you're not self-conscious anymore.

People that don't know me get 'Mossed'. It means, I was gonna go home, but then I just got led astray. In the best possible way, of course. I mean, it's always fun, and a good time.

I had tried to get focused on other things. But I always ended up back in the same place, and it wasn't making me happy. I needed to get the focus back.

Going to the gym wouldn't be on my list of favorite things to do.

I was lucky to be with Johnny... he taught me a lot about fame.

I have met almost everyone I've wanted to meet.

Every season, I'm like, 'Who knows if I'm going to get another job?'

I didn't realize it. It looks like my career happened overnight, but it didn't. I was basically living on my own from when I was 17 on.

All of a sudden I was living what is perceived to be the model life. It was just full-on, 24 hours a day. It was work all the time. And there's always a party to go to.

I'm not going to be horrible just for the sake of having attitude or make other people feel small just to make me feel bigger.

I was never anorexic, so I was never that skinny. I was never bony-bony. But I remember thinking, I don't want to be this skinny.

When you're in a relationship with a photographer, and they start abusing that relationship and being like, 'I want you to do this, and I want you to do that,' it makes you go, 'No.' I didn't want to work all the time.

Then finally I said, 'Okay, well, I want to know all the details. I want creative input. I want to be consulted. I want to know what they're doing and who's involved. And I want to see the space.' So they took me to see it, and then I realized it was major! All these red flags on the Rue de Rivoli with my name on them right by the Louvre!

Yeah, I like clothes, but I hardly ever go shopping. Hardly ever!

I thought it was quite vain to say, I want to be a model.

That Lana Del Rey is quite cute, isn't she? I quite like her.

I was a scapegoat. The media had to put responsibility on somebody, and I was chosen. They felt free to say that because someone was thin they were anorexic, which is ridiculous.

I'm still having fun, and I'm doing something and I'm seeing the world! I wasn't massively ambitious, but I did always want to do the best I could do.