I'll never forget that show season. It was completely mad. I was staying between Christy and Naomi's rooms and it was all limos and the Ritz Hotel and all that kind of business.

I can do a good roast with my eyes closed. I'm amazing with gravy. That's my speciality; even other people ask me to do gravy at their house. I'm very proud of my gravy.

My daughter Lila loves the smell of gasoline - she always says, 'Mummy, keep the door open,' when I'm filling up the car. I've heard it is one of the most preferred scents in the world - maybe that's something to study for my next fragrance!

I've met lots of interesting people, but Lucian Freud is the one who sticks out because I spent so much time with him. He taught me discipline, which I hadn't been taught properly before. If I was, like, two seconds, late, he would kick off. Once, I was three minutes late, and he went absolutely berserk.

I love the Royal Family. The Queen, she's fabulous.

I want to apologize to all of the people I have let down because of my behavior which has reflected badly on my family, friends, co-workers, business associates and others.

I hate being interviewed. I'm like, 'Aaaarrgghh!' I don't like talking about myself.

I definitely feel more comfortable in my own skin since turning 40.

I edit things down, and I've got a massive dressing room in the country, and so all the things I'm not going to wear but don't want to get rid of go there. And all the stuff I want to get rid of goes to Oxfam.

I used to be so scared about, 'Oh, I don't want to show my body.' Now that I've shown it, it doesn't bug me about my moles, or 'This isn't big enough' and 'That's not smooth enough.'

Nobody took you out for lunch when I started. Carla Bruni took me out for lunch once. She was really nice. Otherwise, you don't get fed.

I don't mind a bikini bottom.

I have lost a lot of clothes over the years... Probably the oldest garment that I still have would be my Union Jack jacket from John Galliano's spring/summer 1993 show.

There are lots of women I look up to, but mentors are someone you talk to and not just admire. A lot of my friends that I trust are my mentors.

I've got lots of friends who are musicians, so if they ask me to do things, I'll go and do it for a laugh. I don't want to be a pop star or anything like that.

It's all about the blanket. Blanket, pillow, and red wine. You should always be asleep on a plane.

I see a 16-year-old now, and to ask her to take her clothes off would feel really weird. But they were like, 'If you don't do it, then we're not going to book you again.' So I'd lock myself in the toilet and cry and then come out and do it. I never felt very comfortable about it. There's a lot of boobs. I hated my boobs! Because I was flat-chested.

I hate dentists. That's why my tooth fell out. I was in the middle of a root canal and wouldn't go back, so it just dropped out when I was in the middle of Fifth Avenue.

It sounds really corny but I think that if you're beautiful inside it shows on the outside, for sure.

Lipstick is iconic. It's the one product that marks out an era, and a certain lip colour can define a season. It makes me feel more 'done'. I wear a beige lip in the day, but red when I'm going somewhere - it makes that transition from day to night. I just slick it on; I don't bother with lipliner.

I am not a fashion freak!

I have the whole costume from Playboy's sixtieth-anniversary cover shoot.

I've met Bob Dylan. We did one of those non-handshake handshakes. I was with all guys, and he shook hands with all of them, and then they said, 'And this is Kate,' and I put my hand out, and he didn't put his out. And then I took my hand away, and he put his out. It was one of those. We finally did shake. And then I fainted!

My signature jam is damson or quince, and it's called 'Kate's Sweet and Sticky'. Basically, I'm a domestic goddess.