There was a point when it all really took off and got quite overwhelming, even though I didn't realize it.

The first time I went to Johnny Depp's house in LA is when I realized what I was getting myself into. I knew he was famous, but I didn't really know what that entailed.

I wasn't the prettiest girl in class. No breasts, short legs, gangly teeth. I didn't think I was model material, that's for sure.

I am so romantic about Gypsies. They're not allowed to do anything until they get married. So they all get married really young, at sixteen.

I would have wanted to be a rock star, a lead singer, if I wasn't a model. I'd go touring in a bus with my band. In my next life, that's the plan.

I worked with Herb Ritts on the Marky Mark shoot, and then Steven Meisel, and then they'd start sending limos for me, and I was like, 'That is so embarrassing. I'm not getting in a stretch limo by myself to go to a shoot.' That whole New York thing of, 'You are fabulous! Turn up to a Meisel shoot in a limo and you're fabulous!'

Modeling is a job. Even my mum doesn't believe that I do work hard.

In my next life, I'm going to be a rock star. I was a ballerina in my last life.

Modeling can be a bit brain damaging. Starting my own brand was what I needed to do. I only model if there are such good jobs that you don't want to say no to. All that dressing up makes me say, 'What do I want to wear?' and, 'What do I want to do with Topshop?' It all kind of leads into the other things.

When you're shooting you go to references in your mind. You think about how you should stand in these particular clothes, or how you should move. You think about the different characters you're playing, really.

If the plane lost all my luggage, and I was somewhere sunny like Ibiza, I would just get a bikini, shorts, T-shirt, and sandals. If it was somewhere colder like New York, I'd go for jeans, jacket, and a pair of Louboutins.

Now I'm being blamed not only for anorexia but for lung cancer. - On being a social smoker.

I always put on Chanel No 5 after I've had a bath or before I go to bed. If I'm going out, I'll layer other fragrances on top.

Once I was walking from The Mercer in New York - because otherwise I don't walk anywhere - and this woman paparazzo who was following me fell over a fire hydrant and her whole tooth went through her lip. I leant over her, saying, 'Are you all right?' and she was still taking pictures.

I love the Sixties with Julie Christie and Jane Birkin - those natural English beauties. That's the look that is most me, when I wore the tight-to-the knee dresses. I don't think I bleached my hair until I was 20. I like experimenting for big occasions, though. You've always got to do a bit of a number for the birthday!

I was doing things that weren't good for me. So I checked into the Churchill Priory clinic. It was the best thing I've done for ages.

I don't really go to clubs anymore. I'm actually quite settled. Living in Highgate with my dog and my husband and my daughter! I'm not a hell-raiser. But don't burst the bubble. Behind closed doors, for sure, I'm a hell-raiser.

People don't hear me talk. They don't expect me to.

I think women are really good at multitasking. Men just cannot do it.

With confidence, I think anyone can get a dress and make it their own. I don't think you should have it off the runway and wear it like they want you to wear it. You know, with their hair and makeup - their woman. I just think it's boring. You have to make it your own. That's what fashion is all about.

What people say isn't going to stop me. I have to do things for myself.

It was kind of boring for me to have to eat. I would know that I had to, and I would.

There's nobody that's ever really been able to take care of me. Johnny did for a bit. I believed what he said. Like if I said, 'What do I do?' he'd tell me. And that's what I missed when I left. I really lost that gauge of somebody I could trust.

Even if I wore a hat and a wig, you can always tell it's me.