I grew up in a very multi-cultural society.

Well first of all, tell me, is there some society you know of that doesn't run on greed? You think Russia doesn't run on greed? You think China doesn't run on greed? What is greed?

Only in the Fall of 1924 did [Joseph] Stalin discover that it is especially Russia, as distinguished from other countries, which can by its own forces build up a socialist society.

I've known for years that the university underserved the community, because we assumed that university education is for 18- to 22-year-olds, which is a proposition that's so absurd it is absolutely mind-boggling that anyone ever conceptualized it. Why wouldn't you take university courses throughout your entire life?

A society made up of individuals who were all capable of original thought would probably be unendurable.

Divorce is marital welfare.It’s just couples asking society to bail them out because they didn’t do enough research before they got married.

Free societies...are societies in motion, and with motion comes tension, dissent, friction. Free people strike sparks, and those sparks are the best evidence of freedom's existence.

I have always been an active part of my community.

I am who I am by choice. Society rejects me because I'm different; I reject society because they're all the same.

The quickest way to get to the top in society probably is to be a Blair Babe now. And then all of a sudden you find you're invited to parties. I don't want to be cynical, because I'm not. But I've seen it happen to so many people who move from the left to the right so damn quickly.

We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define its finer values.

It is necessary for the perfection of human society that there should be men who devote their lives to contemplation.

Our society, including the liberals, must understand that there must be order.

The path towards a free society has not been simple. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history.

My personal position is that society must keep children safe.

Families and societies are small and large versions of one another. Both are made up of people who have to work together, whose destinies are tied up with one another. Each features the components of a relationship: leaders perform roles relative to the led, the young to the old, and male to female; and each is involved with the process of decision-making, use of authority, and the seeking of common goals.

Put together all the existing families and you have society. It is as simple as that. Whatever kind of training took place in the individual family will be reflected in the kind of society that these families create.

There couldn't be a society of people who didn't dream. They'd be dead in two weeks.

How different a creature is man in society and man in solitude!

“Society was cut in two: those who had nothing united in common envy; those who had anything united in common terror.”

“Society is endangered not by the great profligacy of a few, but by the laxity of morals amongst all.”

“everybody feels the evil, but no one has courage or energy enough to seek the cure”

This is going to be the New Deal, the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil-rights movement of our generation."

“Candor will oblige us to admit that even such men may be actuated by upright intentions; and it cannot be doubted that much of the opposition which has made its appearance, or may hereafter make its appearance, will spring from sources, blameless at least, if not respectable—the honest errors of minds led astray by preconceived jealousies and fears. So numerous indeed and so powerful are the causes which serve to give a false bias to the judgment, that we, upon many occasions, see wise and good men on the wrong as well as on the right side of questions of the first magnitude to society. This circumstance,”