Every time I'm in training mode, I've had to monitor what I'm eating. I'll break 210 and be around 215 pounds. I know what it takes to compete with the best guys at 205. I've trained with them.

I've come back from all my losses and won world titles every time.

There's nobody that has the skillset that I have.

I always look for bigger and better things, and if the UFC wants to bring in some top contenders, I'm more than welcome to welcome them in our hexagon.

I like big fights.

When you show me the right contract, I'll sign the right contract.

You have to be patient, efficient with your moves, and attuned to what's happening with your body physically. The key is not to rush or panic. You wait and wait and wait - and then strike.

I don't pull out of fights. I fight through injuries. I don't care what the circumstances are.

To be stronger, you finish everything you start. You can't take a break.

An interim title is just a guarantee at a title shot. If I'm going to fight the best guys in the world, I want a guarantee that I'm going to fight for the title.

I just don't see how it is possible to be a vegetarian or vegan when you break your body down so much. You have to recover. You need those proteins and proper amino acids, like leucine, which only really comes from animal fats.

I'm not one to turn down opportunities.

When I was a kid, when I was first getting excited about the opposite sex, fragrance was the thing. If you look good, you smell good, and you feel good.

I've done all my bike circuit cardio workouts when I know I gotta push my numbers higher and I gotta be better than I was before. It sucks. Your body doesn't want to do it, but I've done that. I know I have that in me.

I start kind of stiff, and then I understand the movement, the distance, and then I can start loosening up. That's how fighting should be. That's how I try to keep my mind.

I will always be motivated to improve until I feel I've achieved my potential.

I'm one of the most well-rounded fighters out there.

I used to goof off a lot.

Bisping is a tough guy. You can't write him off. He's good at everything. He's been able to beat some of the top guys out there because he can expose their weaknesses.

People probably don't give me the credit I deserve for holding the Strikeforce title, but the people who do know, know.

I think Georges St-Pierre is a joke.

It's nice to hit and not be hit back.

I know how good I am, and I know where I can go if I'm in the right mindset and respecting my opponent.

I dictate the pace of my fights and no one else.