There are guys who are way taller than me, weigh a lot more than me, are stronger than me, not faster than me but all other aspects people get recognized and looked at and opportunities based on how they look. I've been fighting that battle my entire lifetime.

I was never going to be the one to get recognition because of my looks.

Any type of Royal Rumble or battle royal I always look forward to because I usually get to do some pretty cool things.

As far as the community involvement is concerned, I don't necessarily think that being a babyface or being a heel really affects that because, at the end of the day, people know that we're entertainers. We're very forward about that.

I get inspired from all different kinds of places - cartoons, comic books, movies and things like that.

Anybody out there who has had a situation where they've had to struggle - when they want something so badly, but they can't quite get it - I am living and breathing proof that if you endure, if you push yourself, if you strive to be your best, no matter what, if you keep on working hard, then good things can happen.

We're really greedy when it comes to titles. We want every championship - the women's title included.

We always talk about how important representation is. It's so important to see someone that looks like you - whether you're African American, Asian, Indian or whatever your background is - doing incredible things. It's just motivation to go out there and do incredible things yourself.

How many African American champions have there been over the course of WWE's history? It's something that was the elephant in the room. Nobody wanted to talk about it, but it was important for us to address it.

My mom set a great example, and I love her.

Even coming from Ghana to the United States, my mom and dad did so much to provide a better life for their kids. It was such a huge sacrifice; leaving your entire family - and we have a huge family - leaving them to come to America and have a better life for their kids.

I collect swords, but I'm not really a swordsman.

A lot of people talk about video games as something nerds do. But we look at it as a way to connect with people. It's something that's positive, that brings people together.

We're always thinking of different things to be on the cutting edge of what's entertaining or what's hot on Twitter or social media or even society in general. I've had little goals here and there. But that's the main goal. Always changing, always be prepared to adapt.

My first, what, five, six years I was never given a microphone. Now we have this New Day thing where we talk pretty much every single week. It allows me to open up a whole different side, so I just think it's really important to be able to adapt.

You literally can't do any more than your best so that was always my attitude and that is still my attitude, which is to go out there and give it my best every single night.

It wasn't until I got my first son that I wasn't really able to play video games because when you have a child at home, there are infinite other things you should be doing.

Ronda Rousey, arguably... I mean, she might've been the one that actually started the whole 'Divas Revolution' by being so awesome in UFC.

I always want people to experience the feelings I am experiencing. Anything I can do to get you to feel, that's an honor and a duty that I take very seriously.

I tried to imagine how I would have felt as a kid if Shawn Michaels or any WWE superstar would have come to my school and came to my assembly and had given a speech that we would have had to listen to I would have lost my mind.

My mom means everything to me. She has been such an inspiration in terms of just leading by example. Growing up, I never got into any trouble because I never wanted to upset her - because she did everything in her power for me to have a great childhood.

It took me 11 years to get a shot at the WWE championship; not just to win it, but just to get a shot, but luckily I was able to capitalize on that and become WWE champion, but if I had quit I wouldn't have been in that position.

I'm a guy who struggled to get to where he is, and only through hard work and dedication have I been able to find my success.

NXT is huge, being able to be on TV internationally is a big deal, as it means you don't have to work so hard to get noticed as opposed to FCW, Deep South Wrestling and OVW, which were all televised, but locally.