Making people believe they can do great things, that's an instant motivator.

You know, 'people like us,' it involves... it's everybody who has struggled, you know what I'm saying? Everybody who has... who has had a difficult time getting to where they want to be, and now they can look at us as examples of, 'Hey, I can do this because they did it and I see it happening. Maybe I can do it, too.'

The New Day has been the New Day because what we have done. We can be entertaining but then we can get serious, too.

Anything is possible for anybody if they work hard enough.

People are entitled to their own opinion as far as what a WWE Champion should be, but the fact is that I am WWE Champion and that's a fact. It is what it is.

It's truly a new day ever since we graced the WWE Universe with our presence. Every time we come out there, you see us being funny, having fun, entertaining people and, of course, preaching the power of positivity. That's what New Day is all about.

The New Day is all about the group, and that's the way it's gonna be... We ain't going nowhere but to the top. And if we going to the top, we're going together.

Getting to play with your friends and trash talk. That's some of the best parts of gaming for me. It's like having recess in elementary school.

All I know is that every moment we've had as The New Day has been amazing. Just awesome.

When I'm on, people watch; people pay attention.

I went into NXT with no expectations. That's what I was told when I was hired - have no expectations, just do the best I could - and that's always what I've done for the last fifteen years. That's what I did, and you know, it's obviously working out pretty good.

Whether it's the NXT title or the United States title or the Intercontinental title or the World title, if I have that title, then that's the most important one.

A big reason why I signed with WWE in the first place was because my son wanted to see me wrestle in WWE, and he wanted to see me wrestle John Cena.

I have dreamed of being a champion in WWE, and there's nothing I won't do, no length I won't go to, in order to keep it that way.

It's not hard for me to stay humble. I think there is always somebody better than me, so that's what keeps me humble. A lot of people could learn how to stay humble.

I don't think I'm a loud mouth.

The way I look and the shape I am in, I've had so many people tell me, 'You'll never make it because of the way you look.' But that never stopped me - it may even have motivated me a little.

I don't have many particular beliefs, but I do believe in people who we've lost. I'll speak to Owen Hart; he was a big influence on me as a young wrestler, and when he passed, I felt a great sense of loss. Ever since then, I just talk to Owen Hart before every match, and I ask him to be with me and make sure I don't get hurt.

I've been a top guy since I walked in - since I beat John Cena in my first match.

I went from beating John Cena in my first match to winning the Intercontinental title to defending it at WrestleMania.

I wasn't in NXT for very long, but what I learned there was very valuable once I got onto the main roster - how to communicate to a larger audience, stuff like that.

I've always believed in myself, quite frankly, and believed in my abilities.

I hope that Ring Of Honor could one day sell out Madison Square Garden when WWE is not in town.

I was never a WCW fan growing up, so I was never a Goldberg fan at all - and I've told him that.