For me to be the first African-born WWE Champion is incredible because now, people who look like myself can look at TV and see on WWE television that anything is possible because I'm doing it.

It's so inspiring to be able to look a child in the eyes and just shake their hands and see the disbelief that this is actually happening.

Winning the WWE Championship has been my dream for a very long time. But what motivates me more is to inspire people to go out and follow their dreams.

I am living proof that if you work hard enough, you will be able to achieve anything and I take a lot of pride in what I have achieved.

The best angles and the best stories always hinge on reality. Throughout the history of WWE, all the best storylines have a little touch of what's real behind them.

My mom worked her way all the way up; she has a doctorate in anthropology. Imagine doing that while having three kids. It's just amazing. She provided the best possible example in terms of chasing your dreams.

You have to have the ability to adapt. That's probably the single most important quality you need to have as a WWE Superstar.

Being that beacon of hope; not just people in Ghana, but any kind of people that have gone through the struggle, I take a lot of light of being that beacon of hope and inspiration for anybody that wants to achieve anything.

The crowd and the energy is incredible. I love going to Saudi Arabia because the energy is just awesome.

Ziggler has been around a little longer than I have, but from 2010-12, he and I went at it almost every single week in pay-per-views, tv, live events. We know each other very well. We are two guys who are not your prototypical WWE superstars.

There's a lot of talent down there in NXT.

You never quite know what's in store for the Royal Rumble, and I think that's the beauty of it.

We've said it since the beginning of time: The philosophy of The New Day has always been to lift your brother up.

I think my goal has always been to remain entertaining. Above all else, remain entertaining.

Do everything in your power to make sure you achieve your dreams.

Samoa Joe is an opponent that I really wanted to face in the ring. There was a time when you never thought that you will able to see Samoa Joe in a WWE setting but that has changed and this can be considered to be one of my fantasy bookings.

It's really all about getting the people to believe in you and the harder you work, the better you become.

What I'm trying to do is reinvent what the face of a champion looks like. I'm out there trying to represent for the people who question whether they can become a champion or not.

Baseball is called 'America's Pastime,' but you could argue WWE and wrestling is very similar. We've been around since the carnival days. People want to be entertained. It's obviously two different sports, but everyone appreciates the athleticism of another sport.

Bray Wyatt is like seven feet tall and seven feet wide.

I think at WrestleMania you definitely want a singles match and not have to share the spotlight with other guys.

It's awesome, I tell everyone that the U.K. is one of my favourite places to go.

I can be the guy to motivate people from all different backgrounds and all different walks of life.

I've had a lot of starts and stops as far as my career is concerned, but I think what I am able to do is to put things into perspective.