My goal is to keep going out there and defending my belt and stacking up pay cheques to set myself up for the future.

Maybe people overlook me because of the way I talk or the way I look. I don't know.

I've got a lot of power in my kicks.

My dad was a professional basketball player, and my mom was a hell of a tennis player.

Cardio is king. This is how you make sure you don't wear out in the fight.

I always want to go up against the best competition, I want to have as many championship matches as possible.

WWE is all about doing things that have never been done.

When I come to a baseball game, I appreciate the athleticism of these top-tier athletes. When they come to our shows, it's the same thing.

My dad is actually from Ghana in West Africa, and I was actually born in Ghana, too, and came to the United States when I was two years old. It's always football over there, soccer, but becoming a Massachusetts native, you can't help but get sucked into all the sports.

Playing video games, as funny as it might sound, it's a very important part of our day. Our schedule is so hectic, chaotic, demanding that we need an outlet. We need ways to express ourselves and let our energy out.

I didn't expect to become the guy who people look to do something cool in the Rumble in terms of avoiding elimination.

E and Woods are incredibly talented individuals that I am so blessed to have been grouped with these guys. To have met these guys in life, to have met such great guys that I call my family.

I'm living, breathing proof that you can be anything you want to be.

Ever since I was a kid, this is all I've ever wanted to do. I used to pretend to be a WWE superstar.

My goal is always about getting better.

To be honest, I've always been a guy who looks at everything with a pretty positive outlook.

Never in my wildest dreams did I set the goal to be the longest-reigning tag-team champion.

I'm lucky and blessed to have so many tag-team championships.

I realized a very long time ago, that I was never going to be the guy who, 'Oh, you look so big, let's push him in the main event and see,' or, 'Oh, this guy's got the best physique ever, let's put him in the main event and see.' It was always going to be the hard way.

I'm really into music.

Jamaica actually had a pretty big influence on my life.

I've always said that 205 Live is one of the best-kept secrets in WWE.

A lot of times when teams break up, it's to do better as singles competitors than they're doing as a group.

When I was training before I was even signed, I was listening to the Damian Marley CD 'Welcome to Jamrock,' and I got the idea one day in promo class to cut a promo in a Jamaican accent and everybody in the class went wild. That was the character I played from that point on and it kind of stuck until it didn't.