Adrian Neville, who's my best friend, I rode with him on the road. He was the most crisp, athletic, poignant guy - never missed a step. It was insane. I had never seen anybody who could move in a wrestling ring like him; it was like second-nature to him. Flips - name it - agile jumping in and out of the ring effortlessly to the top rope like crazy.

I would say that my forte is cutting the line. My entire life's work is me having zero patience and not waiting in a line.

That used to be what I grew up on - which is the Attitude Era, because you never knew what was going to happen next.

I've never worn the same pair of shoes twice, ever. That's a fact.

Money is always a motivating factor, but money has never been my driving force. In my first fight, I paid the promoter in order for me to fight. I was in the hole 300 bucks for that. Money has always been a byproduct of me doing something I love.

If they could put us all in a tournament, that'd be the best way, but they're not going to do that here at the UFC.

I'm old school, man. I think, if you want to be the best, then beat the best guys.

I like to keep a high pace, violent fight. I don't like to waste time, and I don't like to go to the judges. I feel like I've fought long enough where I can adapt to just about any situation.

The fans, man, the fans have a little different way of thinking. They really applaud the spirit of fighters, and that put a huge influence on the type of energy I fought with, rather than if I won or lost. America's a real win-or-lose culture, where with the Japanese, fighting with spirit is enough.

I've experienced success, I've experienced failure, I've been a world champion, I've fought all over the world; I think I've experienced enough that I won't get in front of a million people and get gunshy.

Where in normal neighborhoods, they would play stick ball and hockey and baseball, we used to slap box and bring boxing gloves down the street and box each other.

The goal never changes. It's about beating the guy in front of you.

I believe that in order for me to consider myself one of the top ranked lightweights in the world, I have to go out and dominate the fight.

Going in there just to win and put on a boring fight, I don't want to be related to anything like that.

The first time I fought Mike Chandler, I was thinking about money way too much. I was thinking about the end of my contract. My focus was way off. I didn't believe in the people that were guiding me.

You don't want to be in a fight of the year. It takes years off your life. But, it's why fans tune in; it's why people gravitate toward your fights. It's why people want to watch you fight. It's important to get into them, but it's important to try not to get into too many of them.

Gray Maynard? Kenny Florian? All these guys, they're UFC fighters, that's all. They're pushed by the UFC, but when they leave the UFC, they're forgotten. When's the last time you heard Josh Neer's name? You haven't. When's the last time you heard about Roger Hurerta? You haven't. They're no ones anymore.

Every once in awhile, we all get a bad hand dealt to us.

I have a very good ground game and very good wrestling. People just underestimate it. That's it. I want to keep it like that.

People say I'm good at standup. I don't even think I'm that great at standup. I just hit hard. I don't think I'm super technical or anything like that. I got a couple knockouts. I think I just hit hard more than anything.

The longer I'm in this sport, the more I realize that it's not about the wins and losses that makes you a good fighter. It's about putting the time in and fighting the best guys possible and going after them. The outcome will take care of itself.

When I fought Nick Thompson, I wasn't experienced enough. That was the first person that put me in a real fight. Before Nick, nobody had put me in a fight where I had to struggle.

I'm looking to grab the UFC and pull them back in the direction of Philadelphia.

I can walk into a restaurant and knock five guys out, become 5-0 real quick. It's about the quality of opponent. You have to beat the right guys to call yourself the No. 1 contender.