Music and the WWE go hand-in-hand.

It is a fine line to be this PG superstar and also a role model and a bad guy and playing off our personality.

Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Shawn Michaels, The NWO, The Invasion, the wild stories, and the Attitude Era. All the crazy stories - you love them, and you get addicted to them and the lifestyle. But you have to separate them and toe the line and separate yourself from what is real and what is not.

I'm hoping Big Cass gets a great singles' run and vice versa. We pull for each other in that regard.

More than anything, I prided myself when it was all set and done; the faith the company had in me to have seven segments on a television show - you have to tune in to see what can happen next.

You can call us what you want, but at the end of the day, we're entertainers.

I wear Jordans when I'm in the ring, alright? This isn't ballet, you know?

The squared circle's no pretty place to be, and there's nothin' sweet about it.

I've been fortunate enough to be given the blessing by Triple H down at NXT to start coming out to the ring with a microphone in my hand.

It's not for everybody, and some of the toughest people I've ever met in my lifetime, I met in the wrestling ring.

Kevin Owens? He couldn't rock with me. It just wouldn't happen.

I travel on my own and try to - I float along to music.

Neville is one of my favorite pros in the business.

Listen: women lie, men lie, but numbers don't lie, guy.

I've been picked up by Big Cass and thrown down the ramp onto metal. Have you ever seen that before in this business? No, no, that's a mighty big fall from the top of the ramp, straight down to the bottom onto concrete. He picked me up over his head and thrown me 14 feet to the ground.

Me and Cass don't talk anymore. I wish him nothing but the best, honestly.

Nobody ever wants to see a guy get hurt, because this is how we feed our families.

Hell's Kitchen is open 24/7, and I'm cooking on the stove all day.

I grew up a block away from Hell, and my pop-pop was a chef in Hell's Kitchen.

I was focused as a writer and marketing and a character. I was like Jim Carrey.

I would be up until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning on nights I was facing a wall. Because when I walked into WWE, I was told I was going to be fired ten times because I'm the smallest guy around.

I was different. I wasn't like anyone else. The business has never seen the likes of me, ever, and probably never will.

I am an entertainer by all means, and I am going to always take stages and will fall on my face with those stages without a care because I am not afraid to fail.

It's just an honor to compete in New York, New Jersey, the tri-state area, where we're from. I have so much roots there, so much family.