I heard Samoans have hard heads, but it turns out what Enzo Amore told me about Samoa Joe's head was true. His head is S-A-W-F-T.

Nobody thought Finn Balor would be in the WWE. Here I am.

As a kid growing up, I was a huge gamer - The NES, SuperNES, N64, GameCube - and I had a GameBoy, which went everywhere with me.

I found, going to Japan, working in the dojos, brushing up on the fundamentals, that's where I really mastered what I was doing.

I often find out, once people have trained, you can never really re-train. When you get trained, you learn to lock up; you learn a wrist lock and, okay, onto the next thing, onto the next thing. You never really go back to the fundamentals.

I've got a pretty wild imagination, and a lot of times, I have to be reeled back in.

I spent two years at NXT and a lot of times questioned, 'When is this going to happen?' or 'Is this actually going to happen? Am I going to make it to 'Raw?''

Wrestling has a funny way of regenerating itself, and I'm sure, in the past, a lot of people have asked questions about 'Who's going to replace Sami Zayn in the locker room?' or 'Who's going to replace Kevin Owens in the locker room?' People always step in.

NXT is its own kind of animal, and you're never quite sure how much of that transfers over into WWE and into Monday Night Raw.

That would be a dream match for me to see Finn Balor versus The Undertaker.

Every child has played video games growing up and played WWE games. To be part of a video game, it's an unbelievable experience.

I'm proud to be the standard-bearer for NXT.

I've been in opening matches of pay-per-views. I've been in main events of pay-per-views, and the same mentality is applied to both, and that is, 'To this point, this is the biggest match of my life, and I'm gonna go out there and give it everything I have.'

I always go back to my days in NXT and look at my feud with Samoa Joe. That was one of the best periods of growth for me.

You can kind of run drills and practice, rehab behind closed doors as much as you can, but there's nothing that simulates being in front of a live audience with live TV cameras.

I'm a big fan of seeing smaller guys vs. big men.

The Demon character is something I draw on occasion. It's something that requires a lot of focus to tap into and really requires the right situation for me to sort of draw on that darker side of my personality.

I'm very much in a mindset that I take myself out of anything that I'm not involved in.

I came to WWE to be on 'WrestleMania' and to be in a 'WrestleMania' main event.

When you're in NXT, you're really fighting and trying to dig down deep and chase your dream.

Johnny Saint is someone who I studied as a kid.

I can't speak of anything but greatness for Roman Reigns. He's one of the all-time greats.

My whole career, I've been climbing or chasing or hunting something.

How I feel as a person and what I support as a person always remains the same, and that is continuing to support LGBT communities around the world.