Nobody is faster than me.

A lot of times, in the beginning of my career, I put pressure on myself just because I wanted to perform so well. I just wanted to be perfect.

I'm not here to judge Mike Tyson. I'm not here to judge nobody. I'm not here to monitor no other fighters. I respect him for what he did in the sport of boxing. He was an entertainer.

I think my grandmother saw my potential first. When I was young, I told her, 'I think I should get a job.' She said, 'No, just keep boxing.'

All the money I have, I got it legally.

Everything people say I couldn't do I've done.

What I learned from boxing and what everyone can take in real life is to follow directions, follow order. Don't give nobody a hard time.

I'll back up anything my dad says.

You could take me anywhere. You could take me to the moon, and believe me, everybody's going to try to take a trip to the moon to watch me fight.

Once I am in the square circle, I am in my home.

You know, as a young child, I lay in my bedroom and I swore to myself then: 'I'm not going to smoke and I'm not going to drink.' And I said I'm not going to just say that when I'm a kid. I'm going to stick to that as an adult. I kept that in mind my whole life.

I'm not in this sport to say a guy can beat me.

I like to control my own personal life.

We talk about these legendary fighters, talk about how they had hundred-something fights, hundred-something victories... but when you look at the history books, I still beat more world champions than any fighter in history.

Boxing is real easy. Life is much harder.

You hear certain things, negative things, all the time that aren't true, but you never hear about the positive.

I know that there's a god because I was able to survive everything that I've been through - all of the tough times - and I'm still at the top of my game.

I can get a black eye, a bloody nose. I can have a bad day in the gym. At the end of the day, I don't have a bad payday, and I don't have a bad night under the lights... I get bumps, bruises... but I don't have a bad night.

Don't ever know who you may meet, or just because a person may not be dressed up all fancy, don't mean they're not an important person. You just don't ever know who you're gonna meet in life. So that's why I look at everybody as equal. Can't just judge. I treat everybody with respect. Every man.

In the end, you have to protect yourself at all times.

I come from a very rough background, and I'm saying that if you work hard and dedicate yourself that you can make it, too.

I haven't took no punishment. There's nothing cool about taking punishment.

Things happen for a reason, and the only thing you can do is at night time get on your knees and ask God for forgiveness for anything that you did that you didn't feel was right.

God only made one thing in this world that's perfect - and that's my boxing record.