I am the best. There is nobody better than me.

I'm looking to expand my portfolio while I'm on top and while I'm young.

You have to protect yourself at all times. What goes around comes around.

There's ups and downs with boxing, layoffs are part of the sport and they can either help or hurt a guy.

A true champion will fight through anything.

I'm a boxer who believes that the object of the sport is to hit and not get hit.

If you fight angry, you make a lot of mistakes, and when you fight a sharp, witty fighter like me, you can't make mistakes.

A true champion can adapt to anything.

I'm a man of my word.

When you're the best, you only want to surround yourself with the best.

You have good days, you have bad days. But the main thing is to grow mentally.

I still can't believe I'm a professional wrestler in the first place. That hasn't sunk in yet. I'm sure I'll look back when I'm 50 or 60, if I make it that far, and think about everything that's happened.

You can only get better by challenging yourself.

Ireland has always been a nation of great athletes from the past: in the nineties, we had Sonia O'Sullivan and Steve Collins.

I don't see why we should alienate anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ethnicity.

I'm normally a really humble guy.

When I first went to Japan, I was wrestling under my real name. The Japanese people have a great amount of difficulty with the letters f, r and l. So three out of the six letters in my first name they couldn't say. It was a bit of a mouthful for those guys.

I'm not a very emotional person.

The dojo system in Japan is something very unique. It prepared me not only for wrestling in the States and around the world, but it also prepared me for how to handle myself as an adult in the real world.

People won't believe this, but I don't really like being the center of attention.

I don't do well in social environments.

I've been put into a lot of situations that could be stressful. That's really helped me mature, both as a performer and as a man.

I've seen a lot of different training schools and dojos, and the sheer level of professionalism at the Performance Center and the state-of-the-art facility just knocked me for a six. It really blew me away.

I grew up watching wrestling my whole life, so to get the chance to step in the ring that I've watched on TV so many times is a dream come true.