I've always got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.

I spent a lot of time in Japan. To me, I felt like my career was kind of marooned out there. I didn't realize the extent of the reach that New Japan had in America and around the world.

I want to be part of the growth of NXT.

The whole Demon character was designed for people to hate me more and to be scared of me, and it kind of backfired in the sense that people kind of like it now.

I have no intentions of getting in a UFC cage at all!

Going through secondary school in Ireland, everyone's like, 'What are you gonna do when you finish school? Go to college? Study business? Study electronics?' I was like, 'Well I kinda love wrestling, so I don't see why I should want to study anything else except wrestling.' For me, it was a no brainer.

There wasn't one defining moment that I said, 'I wanna be a wrestler.' It was just something that was always inside me.

For a long time, we had Raw and SmackDown, and there wasn't really anything else. The NXT Universe kinda opened up channels for wrestlers to come in from the independent circuits, like myself.

Obviously, everyone wants to headline 'WrestleMania.'

The NXT women are changing the way women's wrestling is viewed. It's an inspiration to be able to watch.

If you ever have a question or a problem, if you approach Triple H, he might say the most-obvious thing, but it was the last thing you were thinking. As soon as he says it, you're thinking, 'Oh my, why didn't I think of that?' He's very smart, and we're very lucky to have him at our disposal in NXT.

Hopefully, I can be a good role model for kids, and they can grow up to follow their dreams just like I am.

Just the extent of the reach that the WWE Universe has around the world is incredible.

It's been a bit of a struggle getting used to life in the States, adapting to a new lifestyle.

I had to use a lot of the lessons I learned from fighting Samoa Joe and apply them to Bray Wyatt.

Myself, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows are best friends. We travel together, we train together, we eat together, and we do a lot of things together.

The 'Demon King' takes out a lot out of Finn Balor the man emotionally and mentally.

If you're going to learn about entrances from anyone, you might learn from the Undertaker.

Japan took me in as one of their own and treated me like one of their own.

It wasn't until later in my career that I really focused on the importance on making an entrance.

When I came to NXT, it was very much a developmental brand.

I'm very lucky to be working at NXT with coaches, especially Matt Bloom, who is open-minded and a great ribber.

I thrive under pressure.

I was six years old watching wrestling on TV. I was eight years old watching Ultimate Warrior run to the ring at WrestleMania. I was eighteen years old starting out on a journey in the U.K. wanting to be a professional wrestler.